Every parent knows that a busy baby is a happy baby.
That’s when you can do your chores and take care of your own needs and family’s needs, without the wailing and the constant demands.
As adorable as your precious bundle of joy is, there are times when most parents just want some time to themselves –whether it’s to relax and unwind with a book or have quality time with the spouse – or maybe you want to have some fun with your kids and take pleasure in their delightful giggling.
What do you do?
One answer – TOYS!
Or at least the right toys – preferably brightly hued with lots of yellow and red – a little noisy, a little squishy, a little chewy and a whole lot of fun.
Need suggestions?
Elemenosqueeze A to Z architectural blocks – that’s what you should get for your child – whether she’s a 6 month old cute little toddler ready to grab these colourful chewable blocks (completely safe and BPA free) or a 3 year old mischievous boy ready to build & stack them and then cause some seriously destruction.
Hours of fun is absolutely guaranteed as your kid squeals in delight in the tub (yes, you can make bath time fun too!) and learns his/her alphabet while indulging in some creative fun.
I would like to call it ‘the lifesaver blocks’! Reason – My life is more productive now that my two and a half year old daughter is busy constructing castles for hours.
Another cool toy that any kid up-to the really naughty age of five will appreciate is the holiday hellophone – a perfect Christmas gift or a lovely birthday present. Here’s why I recommend it – my daughter enjoys the myriad number of songs and sounds loaded in the phone plus my mommy records messages for her that she can actually listen to!
Another cool thing is that unlike most toy cell phones in the market, this one will actually feel like a real one to your kid.
Because your little devil will shout in joy when the holiday hellophone makes a call back and your baby can answer it.
Almost all kids like noisy toys the most, specially the boys. These gorgeous mock kid cell phones come with a pack of batteries and loaded with 3 pre-recorded messages.
So you have two awesome toys to choose for your kids now – if they like banging and destroying and chewing stuff, then just get the Elemenosqueeze – you will not regret that buy.
But if you have a 4 year old who wants something more than bath toys and has a desire to project daddy, then get him the holiday hellophone – he will be delighted to hear daddy’s voice through the pre-recorded message.
Go get them now at the B. Toys website – click here.
B. Toys is offering one Natural Baby Goods reader a pack of Elemenosqueeze.
Contest ends Dec 23, 2010. OPEN to US and Canada!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2.Visit B. Toys and leave a comment telling me your favourite toy.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to! (2 entries)
4. Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow naturalbabygood on BYouToys twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily).
#Win Elemenosqueeze from B.Toys @naturalbabygood and @byoutoys #giveaway Ends 12/23 http://tinyurl.com/3ygqg2b Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
8. Like B.Toys on Facebook.
8. Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect.
9. Add my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide Button.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
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We actually have the Zany Zoo–it is gorgeous and we love it!
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my son would love this
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I also really like the Toulouse–LapTrec –
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like the dr doctor kit
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My sons would love the Boogie Bus (they currently do not own a toy bus or a toy plane!)
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What a fun site!
I love the Meowsic toy!
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My favourite is the Zany Zoo
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I also like the b toys whacky ball set
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I love their Parum Pum Pum drum set.
I like you on facebook — Jen Tam.
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And I like the fun keys.
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love the toulouse lap-trec….
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I love the Sugar Chute but they have sooo many cute toys! I love them all1
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My son would love the fire flyer toy
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my favorite toy is the Wheeee-mote Control
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I’m a new subscriber! Love this site!
I’m happy to tweet and like on facebook – but I’m not a blogger. :\
Anyway, I haven’t been able to find them in stock anywhere, so I hope I win!
I ordered these for my son for Christmas through Amazon – and received a wine rack instead! Since they fulfilled the order for Target, they can’t help me. Santa would never make such a mistake!
Fave toy: soft blocks
Fave pending stocking stuffer: car keys!
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I like the Holiday Wheeee-ls!
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My fav toy is Rrrroll Models Fire Flyer
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My grandson would probably like Rrrroll Models Boogie Bus. It’s my favorite as well!
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DT 12/15
daily tweet 12/15
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I subscribe. I am crazy about the cool looking Jungle Jam!
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I like you on facebook-Susan Chester
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tweet 12/16
DT 12/16
the zangy zoo is just cute
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DT 12/17
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Love the Parum pum pum Drum!
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I subscribe by email and I like the spinaroos!
DT 12/18
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I subscribe to your blog via e-mail. I like the Bristle Block Stackadoos
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nancyrobster at gmail dot com
I email subscribe and I would also love the Jungle Jam…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
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DT 12/20
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I love the Holiday Wheeee-ls!
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DT 12/22
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I already subscribe!!! Great prize!
sunni08 at gmail dot com
I like NBG on FB as Stephanie Cobb
sunni08 at gmail dot com
my fave toy ARE these blocks! My 9 month old would LOVE these!!!
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love the zany zoo
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follow both @rsmc1
your fb fan ria clarke
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i subscribe and I like the Holiday Wheeee-ls! eaglesforjack@gmail.com
gfc- smarti
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I like the boogie bus, it looks like fun
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email subscriber I like the wheemote control cars lezanac@yahoo.com
I subscribed and I love the zany zoo
I’m a subscriber ty.
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I like the Toulouse–LapTrec.
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Have your blog button on my sidebar – http://www.naddezsgoodycorner.blogspot.com/
Have your blog button on my sidebar – http://www.naddezsgoodycorner.blogspot.com/
i am a subscriber and my favorite toy is the fire flyer
I like the Jungle Jam!!! I also subscribed to your newsletter and liked both sites on Facebook :o)
Final Tweet… http://twitter.com/DNatrlBeauty/status/17996955191869440 …heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
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im a subscirber and i like the meowsic!
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(lynn donahue)
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Bristle Block Spinaroos
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I subscribe via email. I love the Bristle Block Spinaroos.
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I subscribe and really like Parum Pum Pum thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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