Farmer George’s Busy Morning

If you are looking to introduce your kids with farm life via reading then Farmer George’s busy morning is an excellent read.

Farmer George’s Busy Morning


The story revolves around the real life of farmer George and he starts his morning hours with his real pets dogs Evie and Lily nurturing his farm which is situated in the Irwin Valley, Western Australia. As you start reading this wonderful story book with your kids you will be captivated with its brightly colored illustrations, playful and easy to read style, its lovely characters and daily morning tasks of farm life and you will feel energy and excitement bursting in you.

My six years daughter fell in love with the farm life as soon she finished the book. You will see beautiful presentations of farmer’s job attending variety of farm animals to perform daily tasks for them such as milking goats, collecting eggs, protecting lambs from foxes and most importantly feeding orphan animals which are adorable. I love the concept behind this super cute story which is love and care for green environment, importance of plantation and care for the animals. The book teaches kids from where food comes from, responsibility for taking care animals, paying keen attention on their wellbeing and feeding them. It’s indeed an educating and entertaining book to teach kids about farm life in an interesting way.

AUTHOR: Clare Bickers is a mother of two, a stepmum of one, director of (and every other job below director that Kurt doesn’t do), and co-author of the children’s book “Farmer George’s Busy Morning.” She is also a traveler and Kurt’s wife and best friend. Kurt Bickers is a father of three, a farmer, a qualified Master Mariner, an offshore oil and gas worker, and co-author and illustrator of “Farmer George’s Busy Morning.” He is also a video producer, photographer, and artistic director for

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