The Irish Fairy Door Review And Giveaway

I have always wondered if my 8-year old daughter was too old to believe in fairies. But then I realized that I myself still wanted to believe too! So when we received dainty goodies from The Irish Fairy Door Company, the little girls in us couldn’t wait to welcome a fairy in our home.

The Irish Fairy Door set includes:

  • An Irish Fairy Door (it’s about 5 inches tall, and we have the one in beautiful pink)
  • A Fairy Welcome Guide book
  • A tiny glass bottle with the tiny key to the fairy door
  • Three tiny stepping stones
  • A lease agreement for the fairy to sign
  • A fairy notepad


We also got an additional accessory item to decorate our fairy’s home. It’s a super cute clothesline with little clothes and clothespins on it!

So how does it work? First, we read through the Fairy Welcome Guide book, of course. We also read through the meticulous lease agreement for my daughter to learn that we should respect our fairy’s privacy and that the fairy should follow our house rules. 

And then, we picked a location to set up the door, the stepping stones and the clothesline. We put them in my daughter’s bedroom. What’s great about it is that it can suit indoors or outdoors. 

Before we put ourselves to bed, we made sure to leave the key, the lease agreement and the notepad by the fairy door. And the next morning, the key was gone and lease agreement was signed! A fairy has officially entered our home. 

The next crucial step was to register our fairy’s name in The Big Book of Fairy Names on the Irish Fairy Door website so that we can access magical content to get to know our fairy more. Our fairy’s name is Lily! My daughter and I are now very much fond of her. 

Since then, our nights have been filled with magical stories from the Fairy Valley. Here are some of the awesome fairy stuff we were able to discover:

  • Access fairy matters via the Magical Matters app to get Fairy World updates and messages from Queen Kates and the National Fairy Council
  • New Fairy Stories from Fairy World updated regularly
  • Fun Fairy Facts that we must know
  • Fairy Trails to take the family on magical adventures
  • More fairy accessories to decorate a fairy home with! 

The Irish Fairy Door Company has been helping over 500,000 fairies find new homes around the world. And as the name says, the fairy doors are lovingly handcrafted in Ireland, which is the same place where fairies originated from! 

So, are fairies real? If you ask me, I wouldn’t want to spoil my daughter’s childhood. There’s a difference between believing in things that don’t exist and in believing in one’s borderless imagination. I want to spark fun, innocence and creativity not only in my child’s mind but also in mine. We’re so digging this fairy craze! I will never forget this mom-and-daughter bonding we’re having right now.

Win the Irish Fairy Door!

76 thoughts on “The Irish Fairy Door Review And Giveaway”

  1. I love the Fae and everything about that world of Magick so I would love to win for that reason . and of course the fun setting it up with my toddler

  2. I would like to win because I have been admiring these for a very long time. I think they are absolutely sweet and would add a sense of curiosity and intrigue to this gramma’s house!

  3. I love this! My kids are fascinated by all things fairy or elfin. We make a really big deal about them over here. This is just too precious!

  4. I would love to give this to my grand-daughter. She is so imaginative and claims to want to be an artist when she grows up. I know this would be so fun for her.

  5. I would love to win this for my niece. She is three and is just beginning to like being read stories and looking at the pictures. Dad would love to read to her.

  6. My son actually has a jar of fairy dust by his bed, that helps keep bad dreams away. My daughter who is a bit younger doesn’t have the same problem with bad dreams as my son did, so that special bit of magic was just for him. This adorable set would be a wonderful fairy thing to do with my daughter, who could have her own bit of magic in her room.

  7. I would love to win this for my niece. She told me about these Fairy Doors last week and told me she wanted one for her Birthday! This would be amazing!

  8. My 5 year old granddaughter and I were looking at fairy gardens online and she said she wished a fairy would live in their garden. I would love to have that fairy garden suddenly appear in the flower bed. It would be a great surprise for her.

  9. I absolutely love this entire idea! The Irish Fairy Door would give me and my girls some time to make believe together- to have fun and play! Thank you so much for the chance!

  10. I would like to win because I am always struggling to figure out what I should get for my 8 year old niece. Your review on this product looks amazing and would love to gift this present to my niece for her birthday!

  11. we love fairies. And are 80% irish. we put fairy dust over things to bring us good luck or bless things the grandkids would love this

  12. I would like to win to give to my niece. She absolutely loves fairies and I know this would make her smile andd spark her imagination.

  13. My girls love fairies! I should have bought them a fairy door years ago! They’d definitely still love one now at 4 & 7!

  14. This would be wonderful , I know my granddaughters love little fairies and this would be so special to add to there loving world..

  15. I have a little girl that would love this! When I was little I was infatuated with fairies and won an award for a short story. This is a darling idea!


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