Like any other woman, dresses, shoes and bags are one of my weaknesses when I shop. Bags in particular is my favorite, I like to collect them. That’s why when I shop I always make sure of the quality and that what I buy is one of the best. Since I’m a working mom, I have very limited time to go in a real store and shop. One of the online stores I like best when it comes to quality bags is Luvali. They have great designs to choose from, plus one additional features that really got my interest is that there bags are reversible. It’s one unique design on the other side and when you reverse the bag, it’s entirely different design. Just like having two different bags in one.
Classic reversible bags …
Women like to pair up their bags mostly with their outfit. I am like that most of the time, bags are as important as my accessories. I am so lucky to review one of the Luvali classic reversible bags, I like the quality and durability of their bags. It will definitely last me for years and their designs goes well with my dresses. I can imagine my friends will think that I have a closet full of bags, what they do not know is that I got the quality reversible bags and every time I use it I just reverse them to which side fits my mood for that day. These bags really exceed my expectations, and I would really say it has superb quality products. One of these days, I will not hesitate to share this to all my friends. I know that like me, they will also love these reversible bags from Luvali. There are a lot of chic designs to choose from and the price I could say is really worth it.
Bag of presents …
Like everybody else during the holiday season, I like buying and wrapping gifts for my family and friends. As early as now I already make my list of people which I like to give gifts and the lists of presents I want to give them. I have plenty of girl friends which I’m planning to give some presents this Christmas, and Luvali bags is number one in my list to give them. Other products from this store that you can give this holiday season are reversible organic onesies, reversible organic tees, sun hats, 3 season hats, and diaper bag kits. These are mostly organic baby essentials. I know that whoever I give this gifts to will really be very happy using it. Luvali product is even awarded as one of the top ten products of the year from National CGTA & Retail. Many celebrities even love these bags and are using it. So when my friends receive these bags from me and know that it come from one of the best stores, I know that they will feel special because I gave them these bags.
Luvali will be giving away the prize if Luvali reaches 2,000 Likes on Facebook before November 30th, 2010 so please spread the word and LIKE Luvali now.
No purchase necessary. One (1) Grand Prize to be won by One (1) winner. The Grand Prize consists of one (1) Luvali Convertible Classic Handbag; one (1) Luvali extra Classic reversible slip; two (2) reversible 3-season hats; and two (2) reversible organic onesies or t-shirts, with a total suggested retail value of approximately $200.
Contest ends at 5pm EST on Nov 30, 2010. OPEN to US and Canada!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2.Visit Luvali and leave a comment telling me your favourite product.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to! (2 entries)
4. Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow NaturalBabyGood on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily). Link back to this giveaway and leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
8. Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect.
9. LIKE Luvali on Facebook.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
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I love the Kimono Houndstooth in Black bag!
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I love the Reversible Tote in Alice’s Wonderland in Black the most.
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/29410626197
I like you on facebook.Shari D
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I like Luvali on facebook.Shari D
Loving the retro look of the Brown Eyed Girl in Chocolate
I subscribe to you via email. karasceviour at hotmail dot com
I love the kimono houndstooth in black. karasceviour at hotmail dot com
I like you on facebook.karasceviour at hotmail dot com
I follow you via GFC, karasceviour at hotmail dot com
Email subscriber shanneman at gmail.com
I love the classic tote bag in blue suede shoes in chocolate. Very cute! shanneman at gmail.com
Following via google friend connect shanneman at gmail.com
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Love the Brown Eyed Girl Tote in Chocolate
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Email subscriber
To funny my mom has one of these bags and I was like where did she get it lol
Of course I love the handbag but I also like Organic Kiss-Hug Onesie
I subscribe to your blog by email.
dancejamboree at gmail dot com
My favourite is blue suede shoes.
dancejamboree at gmail dot com
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dancejamboree at gmail dot com
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dancejamboree at gmail dot com
subscribe, I like the tote convertible bag
My favourite is the Tote Convertible Bag with the Alice In Wonderland motif…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Email subscriber…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Like NBG on FB…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
GFC follower of NBG *heavensent1*…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Like Luvali on FB…Jennifer C…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Twitter follower *DNatrlBeauty* and Tweeted…http://twitter.com/DNatrlBeauty/status/29489453736…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
I am a subscriber.
I liked the Mayan Lipstick slip, very nice.
Email subscriber
I like the classice convertible, Strawberry fields
im an email subscriber
i love the blue suede shoes in chocolate handbag
i liked natural baby goods on Fb
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I love the Strawberry Fields in Black
I follow your blog and I love Kimono Houndstooth.
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I’m an email subscriber.. Thanks!
I love the Luvali Blue Suede Shoes in Chocolate Convertible Tote Bag. Thanks!
I’m an email subscriber!
Love the Spot on in Black tote
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hancoci_s at msn dot com
i like the classic convertible bag
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im an email subscriber
i ;pve the organic gone cheeky onesie!
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Love the Reversible Organic Onesies especially the Kiss-Hug onesie:)
Like Natural Baby Goods on facebook:)
Like Luvali on facebook:)
Follow Natural Baby Goods with GFC:)
Love the Tote reversible bag in black
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daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/29594217798
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I really like the Kimono Houndstooth in Black pattern — thanks for the chance to win.
I follow via GFC – under the above email which is different then my previous comments
I am a subscriber.
I really like the Strawberry Fields in Black Classic Convertible bag.
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/29668008503
Subscriber and I like Brown Eyed Girl in Chocolate.
button: http://milkingtheissue.blogspot.com
Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook. Alissa Spiehs-Apel
Google Friend.
LIKE Luvali on Facebook. Alissa Spiehs-Apel
I am an email suscriber.
I love the tote bag in the Kimono Houndstoth pattern….so cute!
I subscribe and I like the serendipity slips
I subscribe through e-mail and I love the Organic Kiss-Hug Onesie
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I “like” Luvali on FB (Christina Graham)
I follow you on Twitter as @2Cats2See and I tweeted.
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I like the Luvali Spot on in Black.
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pam w h
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I like Luvali on facebook
pam w h
I am a subscriber.
I would get the classic convertible in Pop Goes the Weasel in Chocolate.
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I follow Natural Baby Gods through Google Connect.
Great Bags!!
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/892013067116544
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i subscribe and I like the Organic Gone Cheeky Onesie
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I am an email subscriber and like the
Organic Night-Early Onesie
I like you on facebook – Belinda M
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I follow on twitter as Prairiebelle and tweeted
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Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOt com
I like the Blue Suede Shoes in Chocolate
Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOT com
I have your button on my blogroll (bottom of the page) http://typical-ramblings.blogspot.com/ #1
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I have your button on my blogroll (bottom of the page) http://typical-ramblings.blogspot.com/ #2
Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOT com
Follow NaturalBabyGood and EcoMom on twitter (@Luvschweetie) and Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Luvschweetie/statuses/3609918888222720
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Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetie/statuses/4330431839215616
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetie/statuses/4727615709515776
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail.
I love the Reversible Organic Night-Early Onsie!
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I like the tote with the pretty woman patterns
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetie/status/7601001674571776
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetie/statuses/7763039545724929
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thanks for the giveaway
http://www.luvaliconvertibles.com/collections/luvali-slips/products/strawberry-fields love this
like u on fb-Julie S Laws
follow blog as jelaws5
like Luvali on fb-Julie S Laws
10:44 am CT December 01,2010 is the time on Prizey that says the contest is over…I just noticed that at the top it states
it closes on November 30—it was worth a try :)sorry about that