NEW Pure Via Stevia Liquid Sweetener Review And Giveaway (Value $150)

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Products that come in little packages are typically those products which are pure and best. Now, it can likewise be connected to sweeteners.                                                                  

Presenting NEW Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid sweetener! It’s an all-natural liquid sweetener that gives the same sweet effect in its new container. It is a good alternative to sugar and other artificial sweeteners. It has the same zero-calorie sweetener that I used and delighted in a year ago. The same sweetener now in a concentrated liquid form to sweeten your everyday life so you can enjoy the sweet summer moments.                       

This liquid sweetener comes in two flavors, the Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid and the Pure Via™ Vanilla Liquid. Both of these liquid sweeteners have the same Nutritional Facts; you can refer to the table above.

pure via steviapure via vanillanutrition facts

Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid is produced from naturally-sourced sweetener which is the pure extract of the stevia plant. This liquid sweetener has a pure and natural sweet taste that contains zero calories, zero fat, zero sodium, zero carbohydrate and zero protein. The liquid mixture of Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid can be dissolved easily in all kinds of beverages whether hot or cold. It can likewise be consumed in your personal preferences without giving you worries about your health concerning over consumptions of sweets. This simply means that you can consume Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid as many as you want for as long as you need it.

Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid is perfect for active individuals who are always on-the-go. With it’s newest small packaging, this small container is very handy and will perfectly fit inside your purse, backpack, gym bag and the no-drip lid and, even inside your pocket. Now you can take Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid everywhere you go to keep you naturally sweet all day conveniently and without leaving any chaotic heaps. 

I’m sharing with you my favorite refreshment recipe using Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid sweetener, the Lemon Mint Julep.  It’s an all-natural beverage with a mixture of mint leaves bourbon and lemonade sweetened naturally with Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid which will surely refresh your day. I prefer this beverage because it’s an all-natural drink that will definitely give my body so much health benefits.

We normally take juices to rehydrate, to refresh and most of all to detoxify. If we use a non-natural sweetener in our juices, we will only have the first two benefits. According to research, the easiest way to detoxify your body to eliminate unwanted elements is to take natural fruit extract. To give a 100% health effect, add an all-natural Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid to sweeten your everyday juices and other beverages.

This amazing liquid sweetener is a trade mark of Pure Via, another breakthrough sweetener product from Whole Earth sweetener. This company specializes in producing quality and all natural sweeteners.  They aim to bring the world 100% natural sweeteners and a new generation of sweetened food and beverage products. This company believes that like any other individuals, they are likewise responsible to actively participate in their communities to help achieve healthy life.

Win Pure Via™ giveaway basket valued at $150!

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All entries must be sub­mit­ted using the Raf­fle­copter form below. After you com­plete the manda­tory entry, you can do as many extra entries as you’d like to increase your chances of win­ning. This giveaway is open to CANADA!

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57 thoughts on “NEW Pure Via Stevia Liquid Sweetener Review And Giveaway (Value $150)”

  1. I would love to win so I can try this product. I have been hearing great things but have yet had the opportunity to try it.

  2. I love Pure Via Stevia Liquid Sweetener, and we’re getting to the season for hot beverages and baking and I would use it in so many things!

  3. I would love to win to try Pure Via Stevia liquid sweetener to improve my health and to lose weight.I think it would be a wonderful sugar substitute that I would love.Thanks for such a great giveaway!!!!!!!

  4. I am entering your giveaway.
    I would like to win this Pure Via Gift Basket
    because i would like to try these products
    and i want the Kobo Touch E-Reader.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I don’t like artificial sugars as they leave a bad taste, but Pure Via sounds much healthier more natural and I’d like to try it.

  6. I would love to try this because I am trying to cut back on processed sugars and would love to try a healthier and more natural alternative! I love a bit of sweetness in my coffee in the morning so this would be great for that.

  7. I am always looking for ways to cut back on my daily caloric intake. Winning this prize pack would definitely help me with that goal. Thanks for sponsoring this healthy giveaway and for the opportunity to participate.

  8. Pure Via™ Stevia Liquid is a product I have heard a lot about but have yet to try. I would love to give a try and improve my health by reducing sugar!


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