Why organic baby food

I have met lots of new moms and they talk a lot about what their babies eat, especially when the baby just starts on their solid food. Because as a parent, we know that feeding a child is one of the most basic responsibilities in our life and we want …

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Natural Baby Shoes

robeez soft soles baby shoes

How old should a baby starting to wear shoes? To answer that question lets learn something interesting about the development of the baby’s feet. Babies are born with only 22 of the 26 bones they will eventually have in their feet. Their feet also have a more soft tissue than …

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Conventional Disposable Diapers VS Organic Natural Diapers

There are two general categories of diaper parents can choose for their babies. Option one is cloth diaper and the other is commonly used disposable diaper. Your decision regarding which one to use will not be an easy one, especially if you concern about the environment, the health of your …

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Swine Flu H1N1 – Parents be alert!

Swine Flu or “H1N1 Flu” outbreak is currently a serious potential health threat to many people, especially parents, babies and young infants. When a baby got infected with the H1N1 Flu they will not show any sign until fever comes and the baby becomes extremely sick. So during this critical …

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Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter

Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter

When you are pregnant, cosmetics can be especially appealing. But do you know that the lipsticks, mascaras you are using might be toxic to you and could be poison to your baby? I stopped to use all the make-ups and even stopped to perm and dye my hair since I …

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Frog Wooden Book from Chelona

baby wooden book

Parents have trusted teethers and toys made from wood for a long time. Now scientists have documented that wood has natural antibacterial properties. I am so glad that I found this wonderful little wooden book. Because of the antibacterial property of wood, I don’t have to worry about the pages …

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ALEX Light Up Duck

ALEX Light Up Duck

The bright yellow rubber ducky bopping in the bath tub creates some of the sweetest memories for many of us.  The most exciting time of the day for your baby is the bath time because almost all babies love to take a bath because they love to play with water …

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