I can’t believe my daughter is still asking for Baby Gourmet Sample we got for review in March. I have to remember to get some when I do grocery shopping this weekend.
With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, Baby Gourmet will giveaway $100 Gift Basket of luxury feeding and baby products including Baby Gourmet baby food to one of my readers. How to enter? Just tell me the best memory from your first year as a mom. I will choose my favorite story and announce the winner on May 6th,2011. Open to US and Canada.
Please be sure to include your email in your comment. Good Luck!
My first and best memory is the first time I got to hold my baby boy after nine years of waiting for him
My first and best memory was breastfeeding my son for the middle of the night wakings and having him fall asleep in my arms. Hearing him breath and touching his soft cheeks.
The best memory I have of my first year as a mom (this past year) would have to be the second he entered this world! It was such a miraculous and joyful moment! My doctor was amazed that I practically laughed him out!
My best memory was when I was told my oldest son had HUGE cheeks during an ultra sound. After having horrible dreams of delivering to an ultra chubby baby, Mica was born. He was super skinny and long. No big cheeks!
ok…only in retrospect can i look back and laugh at this! we were living in an apt in the bronx and we heard our son crying in the bedroom, in his crib. he didnt like sleep much, so it didnt alarm me as unusual. i went in, and there was a bat flying frantically in circles around the ceiling. i grabbed my baby while covering his head and ran out screaming. i sent the calvary in, and he was donning a construction hat, a broom, and a laundry basket-he was finally able to shoo it out the window. we had to go to the er for rabies shots 5 times for our son as a cdc precaution…in the end he was fine!! (although the er nurses affectionally referred to him as “batboy”) like i said, only in retrospect can i laugh about it:) emspahr @ gmail.com
It is so difficult to choose just one moment as each and every minute is so special ~ the smiles, laughs, hugs, and cries are just all so precious. We feel blessed to have a little one!
My best memory from my first year as a mom was my very first Mother’s Day. I remember waking up that morning and feeling so lucky to have my baby boy. That was one of the greatest feelings as a first time mom!
My first daughter was about six weeks premature. She had to stay in the neonatal unit for about two weeks. So going home by myself without a baby was about the hardest thing ever. I shed a few tears those two weeks feeling sorry for myself. Looking back now after seeing my daughters having their babies, I realize that I got two weeks of uninterrupted sleep and was feeling wonderful when she did get to come home. So the point of my story is, there is always a “bright” side to anything in life that happens. Even though I did not get to “have my baby with me” the first week, I did get to get healthy and well before she came home.
When my first son was 3 months old, I remember holding him so our faces were nuzzling cheek to cheek and then I stood us in front of a mirror so he could see us. His eyes lit up when saw my reflection in the mirror. He was too young yet to realize the cute baby in the mirror was him! But the real amazing part of that moment was that while I looked at our faces side by side in the mirror, I realized we had the exact same eyes. It was the most amazing feeling. I didn’t think it was possible to feel so connected to another human being! I type this now while holding my second baby. He turned 4 months old this week and it amazes me the love you can feel for each every one of your children! Happy Mother’s Day (a little early) to all you moms!
My favorite memories were rocking her to sleep and how peaceful it was. And the funny one was watching her chase the cats in her walker
One of my best memories and funniest memories is when I was siting at the kitchen table with a friend and had my son in his little seat on the table. My friend and I starting talking and within 5 minutes, my son just started screaming. We both stopped to look at him and he smiled and then laughed. We laughed with him and continued talking. He did it again. Boy, he sure wanted some attention. So, I picked him up, hugged him, talked to him. He was always smiling and laughing. But that day, still comes to me, on occassion.
so many great moments… one was the day my son was born. i had a c-section, so i could hear him crying before i saw him. i just started crying, it was so emotional. then when i saw him and got to hold him, it was so amazing. amazing the love you feel for your child!
My best memory is getting off the plane from Japan and introducing my daughter to her grandma. We all cried!
My best memory are the smiles and coos and laughs. I’m on baby #3 and it’s still the best!
selener@sympatico.ca-Everyday is a wonderful blessing with my son, now 9 mnths old, but when he was handed to me i was overwhelmed with bliss, he was and is beautiful!
My best memory..oh they are all great. The moment I first saw her, her first steps, breatsfeeding, meeting her great grandma. How can I choose? I love watching her learn new things. When it finally clicks with her, it makes me so happy!
Finally taking my son home after almost a week of being in the Special Care Nursery after delivery! Was so glad his lungs were ready after a little extra help!
My best memory is when I got to hold her for the first time. I had emergency c-section. It was 5 hours after I had her I first got to hold her and my heart just melted.
After having my first child we had to keep her in the bilirubin lights immediately after she was born. I only go to nurse her and then they would take her back to the lights in the hospital. When I took her home we had to but her in a bilirubin bed for a week. I could only take her out to feed and change her. I could only hold her hand and try to get her to stop crying. It was so sad! Thank goodness my mother was with me. We also lived in a duplex with neighbors I had to worry about. The best memory was finally being able to hold her, love her and get her out of that bed and knowing she was going to be okay!
Gathering apples and quinces for baby’s food from the neighbors trees.
I am not a mom yet…but my sister just had her first little boy and i ADORE him. And i would LOVE to surprise her with this giveaway!
My best memory from my first year is my late grandma got to see my baby girl and took some pictures with her before she passed away (she left us in January this year). She lived in another country and I am so glad that we could make the trip and came back to see her while she was still healthy. I will always remember the happiness on my grandma’s face …
My best memory of the first year as a new mom is just looking into those big brown beautiful eyes for the first time. He looked at me with such love and understanding. I knew then that my beautiful boy would always be with me and always depend on me for everything. It was then that I finally understood what love at first sight truly was…I’ve held him dear to me every day since then. Well, as dear as you can hold an almost 17 year old! I’ve now got a 5 year old and a 6 month old baby to hold close as well and consider myself the luckiest mama on the planet:)
My best memory is when my son took his first steps, and ran into my open arms.
jessicatang90 at hotmail dot com
Its difficult to choose only one favorite mommy memory, but one of them is definitely going home from the hospital after my first child was born. Only 24 hours earlier I had been beside myself with frustration and desperation, as I was 6 days past my due date and convinced that it was all a cruel joke and I in fact was not actually having a baby after all. And then suddenly, there I was on my way home, my huge belly and back pains gone, with an absolutely gorgeous, absolutely perfect baby boy sitting behind me. Overwhelmed with thanksgiving and joy, all I could do was cry, which is what I did the entire way home. As the tears streamed down my cheeks, so many thoughts were going through my head, including, “I can’t believe they let me just bring him home unsupervised! How could they have trusted ME with such a perfect little baby??:)” I felt so incredibly blessed that he was healthy, able to go home so soon and that he was mine.
Every milestone from smiling to rolling over to simply laughing in his sleep makes my heart just fill with Love for my son, so it truly is hard to pick just one moment. I would have to say thou after 24hrs of hard labor and ending in a unexpected c-section, it would absolutely be the first time I heard him cry…I laughed & cried all in the same breath…best moment ever!
The first time she smiled at me.
my best memory was seeing my babys face for the first time- her sweet little feet and fingers
One of my many favorite moments as a mother is when my 4 month old giggled back in forth with her sister 2 years old. The start of a sister bond is so lovely.
I think it was seeing his face light up when I walked into the room. Just the biggest smile would beam from his chubby little face.
I would love to win this for my new great grandson
Gosh- there are so many memories- which one? When my son was born (8:30 pm), I didn’t get to see him right away- they whisked him away pretty quickly and proceeded to sew me up (epiesiotomy). Plus with the epidural I couldn’t feel my right side at all but I woke up at about 5:30am the morning after and rushed to the NICU to see him. I suddenly had a dizzy spell and fainted in the NICU almost knocking over the tiny incubators. The nurses rushed over and got me into a chair. After a few minutes I was finally able to really see my baby for the first time and touch his little cheek throught the hole in the incubator. Then I was ordered back to my room to rest.
My baby is two months old now so right now I would say, my favorite memory is him beginning to smile. He has been a pretty crabby baby so far so seeing him smile and coo is one of the best things he could ever do!
my fondest memory is my daughters first laugh..i think the laugh of a baby is the sweetest thing ever..
I’ve only been a mom for two months now but so far my best memory is when my son smiled at me for the first time – a real one, not the gas smile.
My favorite moment was on my son’s adoption placement when the social worker placed him in my arms and the emotions I experienced were beyond words. I am so thankful everyday to be his mom!
My grandfather, who was like a second father to me, was critically ill when my son was born. He had the chance to hold my son as a newborn and told me that I was a great mom. He passed away shortly after but I always felt proud of that compliment and the fact that he was able to meet my son before it was too late.
My best memory was the feeling of love and joy that filled my heart and soul when he was born and continues to this day, as an infant I loved nursing my son in the quiet of the middle of the night.
So many good things in that first year. Realizing he was looking for me when he heard my voice, blowing bubbles for my entertainment. Running like mad over the kitchen floor with his walker, and picking it up to transition to the carpeted hall. Getting the piece of Zwieback teething bisquit stuck in the roof of his mouth, I thought he was choking and shook him before I did a swipe of his mouth. Letting him eat Oreo’s outside so I could wash him down with the hose afterwards. But best of all were those times when he fell asleep in my arms and would do that sweet little scoot and snuggle to get his face in the crook of my neck.
My favorite memory for my my first year as a mom came right at the one year mark. We had to celebrate my sons first birthday a little early so that all of my friends and family could attend since we now live out of town. His first birthday party alone is good enough to be my favorite memory but here is where it really gets good! A couple weeks before the big party we found out that I was pregnant with baby #2! We kept it a secret and had a custom t-shirt made that said ” I have a secret to tell….” on the front of the shirt and ” I am going to be a big brother on the back!” As the party was wrapping up we went to the back bedroom for a little wardrobe change. Can you imagine everyone’s faces when he came stumbling back out in this shirt! It was really funny because at first everyone was focusing on him walking because this was the first time ever they have seen him walk. Then you could hear the mood change as they finally noticed the shirt. lol We had jaws drop and tears of joy all around the room. This was a truly priceless moment in my first year as a mom that I will never forget!!!
Update: since the party about a year and a half or so passed and around came April 1st. Being a little bit of a prankster I pulled back out the “big brother” shirt and put it on my second son. I snapped a few pictures with my camera phone and sent everyone a picture message. Haha some of the responses that I got back were “are you crazy?!?!? you just had your second boy” and “you must be nuts getting pregnant again so soon. congrats!” Everyone was so focused on my youngest in the shirt and thinking we were having another child that they forgot it was April Fools Day!!!!! I was nice enough to wait 30 mins or so, which was long enough for them to call all their friends and tell them the news, until I sent them another message telling them it was a joke for April Fools.
Safe to say I can’t put the responses I got back from that message on here. haha
staysathomemom AT gmail DOT com
Okay so my little guy surprised us last summer and was born 4 1/2 weeks early. He needed to stay in our city’s NICU for 2 weeks before we could bring him home. He is now 8 mths old and still with all the cool stuff he is doing now my favourite memory of this first year of motherhood was; the day we got to bring him home from the hospital. I was so excited the whole way home and as we carried him into our home for the first time I felt at ease: my little man was home!! Thank you for the opportunity
My favorite memory so far has been the first Easter Bunny picture with my 7 week-old son and his big brother, my 5 year-old son.
wow great giveaway! I think my favorite memory was taking my daughter to the zoo and riding on the carousel with her for the very first time. It’s amazing to watch her eyes light up and do the animal sounds, then squeel with delight as we go around on the horsey at the carousel, i love how she enjoys the little things in life!
My best memory was holding her for the first time after 24 hours b/c she was in ICU and coming to realization that she was REAL!:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
My best memory is looking at my son and knowing everything in my life was going to be ok. When he was born my Husband and I were going through a very hard time, he had been injured in Iraq and was being medically discharged from the Army. Our son was born just as he was being retired from service and we had nothing, no home of our own, money or job but somehow it all worked out and 2 years later we are expecting our second son and our life is so very different
Year one is probably the historical equilivent of the baby black plague. Im always frustrated with Mom’s who tell me their babies never cry, ask to be put down and crap magical floral scented poop. The last one was a stretch but you get my drift. My son was my first child and my first experience with a baby at all, my younger cousins were all toddlers and even babysitting as a teenager was all for older children. I had no idea how to take care of a baby and to be honest I didn’t really have the best support from my family. Not because they didn’t want to but rather they all had larger and more pressing family matters than explaining to me the correct way to heat up a bottle.
So enough preface here… The moment I knew my son and I had reached a parent-baby agreement and also my most memorable moment was when my son held his bottle for the first time. I was rocking him in my glider and feeding him a bottle, he had horrible sleep habits and bad colic, not to mention a slew of what I would find out later to be intestinal problems. By the way a doctor will tell you if your baby has intestinal issues that awful colicky screaming baby would have been an angel had they just found out a few months sooner, stupid doctors…
I was rocking him and I had fallen asleep with him in my arms, which is totally a bad parenting thing to do but when you get no REM sleep the night before and for that matter the passed 7-8 months it happens. I woke up and realized what had happened almost had a heart attack but when I looked down at my son he was happily leaning in my lap, his hands on his bottle chugging away, he looked up at me and smiled. I knew deep down that he was going to be much easier to handle and that he had decided maybe from that point on to make my motherhood a little bit easier to handle. After that day he would eat himself and I could even manage to take a shower at that point. His sleep habits got better and the bond we made that day was awesome, even if it ment he didn’t need me anymore for that kind of feeding, I knew I could be there for him more in other ways.
We had a difficult few months adjusting to life with a newborn, especially that my son only wanted to be held all.the.time!
My favorite memory was when we first took him to the beach at 6 months old, and dipped his toes in the ocean. He had the funniest expression, like a mix of delight, confusion, and interest. He kept marveling about the texture of the sand and water–it was so cute.
I liked baby gourmet on fb.
Ahhh, my favorite memory of being a mother for the first year? Wow, where do I begin? How do I choose just one? I can’t choose one! LOL. My daughter brought me so much joy & happiness. She was the one “thing” I wanted so bad in life. She made my dreams come true. I cherished (and cherish now too, 5 years later) every moment I had with her. Being a first time mom on March 8,2006, I was speechless. Looking at my daughter thinking, wow, I just gave birth to a whole new life! She is now MY responsibility, such beauty she is. Abrianna was a great baby, she always had a smile on her face. She brought joy to everyone around her. Always making people smile & laugh. She is our little Banana Boat
There are so many to choose from — but if I had to choose one: My favorite memory from the first time as mom was when my son smiled at me for the first time. I still remember it. It was just precious and sweet and the kind of memory you hold onto forever!
I am a first time Mom to a five month old and each day she seems to discover something new, so I think my favorite moment changes from week to week. I think rocking her in her chair at night while she is sleeping is my favorite time. I can’t stop looking at her!
I don’t have children yet, but I’m an aunt/older sister to SEVERAL. And from that, my favorite memory is simply napping with my niece, falling asleep and having her so calm and contently sleeping on my chest.
The very 1st time I seem my daughter, I was so amazed by her beauty, & how tiny she was. I was instantly in love! I was so amazed by how each day during her 1st year how she had developed & grown into her own unique little personality. Each day was a blessing from God!
My favorite memory is taking my daughter to her first concert at the age of 6 months old. It was a outdoor concert and there was plenty of space to role out a blanket, create a sun shelter, and just enjoy a good time with baby and music.
I’ve only been a mom for 6 weeks. So far my favorite thing is when he cuddles in to me…especially while I feed him. So amazing!
I think that one, there are so many, of my favorite memories is when I found out we were expecting. My husband and I had been trying to conceive for four years, he went back to Iraq after a two week break with the army, I didn’t feel well and took a home test. It came out positive but I still insisted on a blood test at the local er, just to confirm. When they confirmed if I just started shouting and crying and hugging everyone I saw!
Anytime I get to have the little one fall asleep over my heart!
My best memory as a mom, is when my 2nd son was born. My oldest had tears in his eyes (he was 3) when he first held him & smiled.
Oops! Forgot to put my name. Lol
My best memory as a mom, is when my 2nd son was born. My oldest had tears in his eyes (he was 3) when he first held him & smiled.
My best memory from that first year was when my baby girl took her first steps. Now she’s 16 and driving!
I haven’t gotten the chance to become a Mom yet, but I have just recently become a new aunt. My older sister has blessed us with the birth of my nephew. The best part of his first two months is watching him grow and learn to recognize the people around him. The way he responds to certain people’s voices at such a young age amazes me and the way he looks at my sister is a look I have never really seen before. It’s a look of belonging and familiarity that he doesn’t have with anyone else and it is beautiful. It makes me so excited to someday have that with a child or children of my own.
My first and best memory is when the doctor said “It’s a Girl”!! and put her in my arms. It was the best day of my life.
My best memory was seeing my husband hold our son for the first time. Our son came 3 weeks early and was whisked away to the NICU. Due to the medication I was on, I couldn’t even go up and see him until the next day. That was so difficult! When we finally visited him it was amazing, and although the moment they placed him in my arms was one I will never forget, the moment they put him in my husbands was even more special.
You see, many years before my husband had suffered a heart breaking miscarriage in a previous relationship. I won’t go in to many details (for his privacy), but I will say it is something that a decade later he has never forgotten. When I was able to give him a child (after him feeling anxious through the entire pregnancy), and then see him hold his child, it was the BEST memory as a Mother I’ve ever had!
My daughter was 12 weeks premature. She came home on MOther’s day. I didnt even know if she would survive. So that is my favorite memory.
Thanks for the chance.
The time I snapped a picture of my son trying to hold his fathers lunch pail, his daddy worked in the steel mill, so cute
My best memory from my first year as a mom is of successfully breastfeeding after a very rocky first three months.
My favorite memory from moomyhood was holding my baby for the first time, seeing her first smile and just learning along the way. I’m currently expecting my second who is due anytime now (I’m 39weeks) and can’t wait to do it all over again. I love being a mom
I am a first time mom at 43yo, unplanned and unexpected and really a miracle because I was told I was going to have a hard time getting pregnant if I tried.
My fav memory was of having the amnio to see if her lungs were developed enough for her to come out and seeing her little hand innocently reach for the needle and wondering how pure and easy and sweet she is.
Loved her at that moment.
my favorite memory from my first year as a mom was the first time our son smiled at me. it brought a tear to my eye and a joy to my heart that you cannot imagine. i felt a shiver run through my spine. this was the feeling that everyone had been telling me about but i had no idea what it felt like until it happened. turned out he had gas but at the time i felt like he really loved me and it felt amazing.
I remember getting up every morning (and evening and in the middle of the night) and checking on my daughter to see her facial expressions while she slept. Sometimes it looked like she was smiling and it almost made me feel like she knew I was watching her.
The two weeks my husband came home for his leave from being deployed overseas.
My favorite memory is my daughter learning how to wave. The day she figured it out she kept following the dog around waving hello at her.
I’m a new grandmother of two grand children, (9 months and 4 months). The best job one could have other than being a mother. My cup runneth over.
Not a mom, but my best friend is expecting a little girl! I would love to win this for her!
Everyday with my beautiful princess is my best memory, the day I gave birth and found out she was healthy, the first time she really shared a smile, her first laugh, first time saying mama and dada, her first foods (the excitement of something yummy and the disgusted face with something she didn’t like), crawling and climbing! There is a new memory made everyday that I will cherish forever!
The best memory so far as a first time mom was when my daughter tried to struggle to live when I was at the delivery room. The doctor told us that my baby failed to breathe for few minutes causing me to cry that time. But, God is good. He gave me a chance to experience motherhood. Staring at our child and seeing them grow is incomparable and memorable. For me, there’s really no other success in life that can replace and compensate the success in bringing-up our children beautifully
Being a mom is the best experience I have in this lifetime…
The best moment for me was hearing my baby cry for the first time. That was the moment she was born. After suffereing a miscarriage with my first pregnancy, I was doubting that I was going to be able to carry and produce a healthly baby. Everytime I went in for a doctor’s appointment, I held my breath. Worry overcame me while I waited for them to locate the the heartbeat. The moment my baby was born and I heard her cry, tears came to my eyes…my baby is here, living, breathing. It was the most wonderful feeling. I was so elated to hear that cry, I missed it at first when the doctor announced it was a girl. I will never forget that moment. As I type it still brings happy tears to my eyes.
My daughter was born just 4 days before Mother’s Day 2007. I don’t remember much as we had just moved into our apartment and were just getting settled in. I do remember my Fiancee went out and bought me the Chicken Soup For the Soul: New Moms book. It was an amazing present and one I’ll cherish forever.
My son Spencer was born by C section like my other two, but as soon as he was born there was a problem. The doctor said he swallowed fluid and he ended up in NICU for a week with a 50/50 chance, they said. I was numb. FINALLY after a week he pulled through and we got to take him home. That was the best homecoming ever!
My best memory is when my daughter made a noise that sounded exactly like ‘I Love You’. She wasn’t even officially talking yet, so it really tickled me.
My favorite Memory would be when we were just hanging out laying on the bed and out of no where JoHanna started laughing! Daddy and I just looked at each other and then at JoHanna and started laughing with her with tears in our eyes because it was so cute to see such a tiny thing make such a wonderful cheerful noise. It was like music to our ears that we got to share togeather as a Family.
It is so hard to pick a favorite memory, my son was born really early and they had to take him at first so the first time I held him and heard him cry was amazing, the release of the fear, the relief, joy and love I felt can not be put into words. Knowing how blessed I was to have the tough little guy looking up at me. I still tear up.