Co-Sleeping – Do What’s Best for YOUR Family!

To co-sleep or not….that is the question.  When my first son was a baby and I was working full-time, my husband and I allowed him to co-sleep with us. Not because he didn’t have his own room and crib, but because when he woke up at night, I was always too tired to put him back in his bed. Of course, my husband snored loudly and was a sound sleeper. So when our son cried, I was the only one getting up. (I think some men do that on purpose!) 

Anyway, I made the decision to just plop my son in the middle of us both and gets some zzz’s. My son never really slept in his crib, he always slept with us. Probably until he was about six years old. A year later we divorced. No it had nothing to do with our sleeping arrangements. Ha! The entire time my mother warned me and warned me to get my son out of my bed, but I didn’t listen. I wish I would have listened.

Fast forward to today. My second son is adopted and he was placed with me at 11 months old. He came to me virtually perfect.  Slept in the new crib we had bought him, in his own room. No issues. Very proud of both of his previous foster Moms. He slept through the night usually 9-11 hours. I felt as if the Gods were shining down on me. Until he got sick that very next month. It so happened that night he was sleeping with me (for some reason) and he ended up having a 105 fever. I woke up sweating and realized he was literally on fire.  In the dim light of the hall night light, I witnessed him shaking uncontrollably. He had a seizure. I immediately took him to the hospital. After getting him stabilized they transferred him to a children’s hospital.  We stayed in that hospital for three days, as he had pneumonia.  They were among the worst days of my life.

Ever since then for the past year he has slept with me.  Oh I’ve tried several times to get him back into his now – toddler bed. Frankly, I can’t stand the crying out method. I’m not built for that, it breaks my heart.  I’ve also stayed in the room with him, even sleeping on the floor. He always wakes up once I retreat to me room.

Now I’m a prisoner in my own bed. Literally. He loves to cuddle and snuggle. Who wouldn’t love sleeping next to a warm body! I’m a single, so there’s no HIM to be upset about the baby sleeping with me.  But to be honest, I don’t sleep well.  (This is a picture of him on my side of the bed.)  In his sleep he literally muscles me out of my own bed.  My mom has even offered to stay over for a weekend to get him into his own bed. I’ve not allowed her to do that.  I feel like such a loser.


What’s best for my family is NOT him sleeping with me, it’s just easy and he is as stubborn as all get out.  So yep, I’m allowing a two year old to rule the roost…or my bed….

I’ve read all the pros and cons of co-sleeping.  The biggest one that makes me think about the big move to his own bed  –  My son having his own identity separate from mine and not being so attached to me at the hip.

Wish me luck, because while it’s my decision, I’m thinking him sleeping in his own bed is a better idea for him and ME!!!  I really don’t want history to repeat itself, been there, done that….the sooner the better. Wish me luck!

By Eva

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