I knew that having a baby would come with its fair share of messy moments. Of course, I figured that those were far and few between. I mean, poop is on a daily basis and so is the stink that comes with it. Usually I’m just able to clean it and go about my day.
However, that is not always the case. When my daughter was younger I lived about 20 minutes away from town. The local library let you rent out DVD’s if you had a library card, and I like to read anyway so I figured I would trek in to town one winter day, baby in tow, to check out a couple of things.
Don’t get me wrong. While I may have been new to the baby rodeo, I wasn’t foolish. I packed a diaper bag full of diapers and wipes and a changing pad. I even threw in a pacifier because I didn’t want my baby to be the baby that upset the entire library due to her screaming.
Since it was winter, I bundled her up in her adorable bright yellow Gap jacket. It was puffy and I got a great deal on. Insulated and everything and so easy to spot when I wanted to go somewhere. She was my little winter Big Bird. I even had these fleece lined pants that I put on her. Somewhat because I wanted her to look cute for anyone in the library who would notice my little angel, but also because it was so cold out!
We drove ourselves to the library and I was excited. They always get new DVDs in and there were a couple I wanted to search for before they were checked out. After searching DVDs (they were already gone) I decided I needed some children’s books to read to her. I didn’t make it that section.
I should have known it was going to be catastrophic because it smelled so bad. I bee-lined it for the bathroom. I was prepared. Diapers, wipes, changing pad. Wait, what? Is that? Poop? All over her onesie? And fleece line pants? And…jacket….and sweater…and…I’m pretty sure there was poop in her neck. I had no idea that my daughter’s butt could produce what only resembled a horrid outcome of a paintball fight.
In my arsenal I knew that I had enough wipes for this task. After wiping her down and using a bit of faucet water to clean her off (all while trying not to puke on her, yes it was that bad) I realize something. Frantically tearing apart the rest of the diaper bag a sad truth comes to light. In my glee of going to the library I forgot the one cardinal item that all diaper bags MUST HAVE. An extra outfit. By this point, the library bathroom smells of three month old lunchmeat leftovers that were sitting out on a window sill in 90 degree heat.
I decided the best option was to throw her back in the fleece lined pants (sans poop) and her jacket. Nothing else. No sweater. No onesie. Just the jacket, diaper and the pants. Once in the car I can turn the heat on until we get home. I couldn’t do anything about the smell other than pray that no one died because of it, which I’m sure they didn’t. It wasn’t in the paper anyway.
That day I learned some very valuable things.
· Don’t underestimate the ability of such a small thing to produce such a large amount of waste
· Always, always, always have extra everything. Clothes, wipes, air freshener, hand sanitizer and whatever else you can think of
· And even the best of intentions can get interrupted by Mother Nature. Just go with it. You can always go back to the library later. Once they get the smell out anyway.
Please let me know your diaper stories. And be sure to visit the Playtex Mommyville Facebook page from Sept 23rd as they will be dedicated to Diaper Diaries, where fans can share their stories with others, creating a fun and informative dialogue all about the challenges of motherhood.
i would love to win this, i have never had one and always wanted to try, and what perfect timing with one more on the way!!!
No really good stories yet ::knocks on wood:: There was one time I had to change a diaper in a tiny bathroom that didn’t have a changing table, that was interesting! Diaper Genie is a great staple every family needs, I would love to win this for my friend who is expecting!
I can laugh now, but had a memorable time on a plane with this situation, not so funny at the time…thanx for the reminder! lol
heard so many great things about diaper genie..dying to try!
love to win this for my friend who had her 2nd baby and could use this.
When I was baby-sitting as a teen, I was changing a diaper when I lost my ring somewhere. It must have come off during the diaper change. Needless to say, I didn’t go looking for it! It was a messy diaper and I decided to just accept the loss of the ring. But I still miss it sometimes.
My son pooped right up his back and into his hair while we were on our way to a photoshoot!
I would love to win because my cousin is expecting, this will be very helpful to her
Id love to win because Diaper Genies are the best things you can have for baby!!
id love to win this for a friend who is due in December
Well as you know babies poop often when they are newborns. My daughter had an explosion while I changing her diaper once. When I say “explosion” I mean it was on the wall, the sofa, and my shirt.
the first time my sons father changed a soiled diaper, it was everywhere, lol
The first time I changed my sons diaper I got squirted right in the face. I never changed another diaper, (Ha I wish).
I would love to win this to give to a friend of mine who is expecting her 2nd child.
Despite having 3 kids of his own, i came home from work one day and my father in law had put the diaper on backwards. I don’t get it !
Our diaper pail is doing a horrible job containing smells and we could really use a new one!
I’d love to win a diaper genie to replace the one my daughter broke when she was trying to “help” me change her brothers diaper.
Not *yet* as we have our first baby due in November, so that’s why I’d love to win!
I would like to win for a good friend who is expecting her first baby this winter
I’d love to win this for my sister in law! I am throwing her a baby shower but the budget is super tight so this would help pad my budget!
I would love to win it for my bro and sis-in law – hoping to expect so soon.
While babysitting while i was in a high school, the little one i was carrying for had an explosive diarrhea. Everywhere!!! All over himself. All over me!!! Needless to say, I didnt have kids for a long time!!!
The very first diaper my husband ever changed, I had just walked out of the room and he started yelling for me. Our son had projectile pooped and it was dripping down his leg, on the couch, on his foot, on the floor. I was laughing so hard it was really hard to help.
I like to win this for a gift for a family member who is having a baby.
I would love to win because I just found out I am pregnant with baby #2
I don’t think I have any funny stories. But would be a great addition to my toddlers room!
I want to win for my new granddaughter
waiting for my first newborn in a couple months. can’t wait to have my first diaper story.
i want to win because i’m expecting
My older daughter would take her daiper off everynight so I never knew what I was walking into in the morning.
No crazy diaper stories here yet! I’ve heard that a diaper genie is a must have for any new mom.