Dreaming Big With Disney Princess Aurora {#Giveaway} #DreamBigPrincess

I always find the search for princess dolls to be a pleasure. Modeled after the characters they portray, they are not only beautiful, but also fun. Little girls are usually very knowledgeable about each princess’s personality and characteristics, and will dive right into playtime bringing out all the features they love most about each one, even elaborating on a few!

Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Aurora Doll by Hasbro is just one of those princesses. She comes dressed exactly as a girl would expect her to be, in her trademark gown. The fun surprise that makes Hasbro’s Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Aurora Doll stand out, however, are the tiny, multi-colored jewels ingrained into the skirt of her gown right down to the very bottom.  Glittering also adds a fun and sparkling addition to her already gorgeous dress.

Everything about this doll is created in detail right from her movie. Also included are Princess Aurora’s tiara and shoes, all of which are removable.

Another princess winner also offered by Hasbro is the Princess Aurora Hair Playset. This playset is also known as The Long Locks Aurora Fashion Doll.

Princess Aurora’s long, sleek blonde hair reaches down below her waist in thick, beautiful curls. Her hair is very easy to brush and style with her own bigger-than-life hairbrush, which is included. The size of her hairbrush makes styling her thick, beautiful hair a breeze! Also included in the Princess Aurora Hair Playset are a “wear and share” hair extension to further accessorize any hairstyle your budding little hairstylist chooses, and an ornamental clip to pull this princess’s hair off of her face or to add a bit more pizzazz to her already stunning look. Princess Aurora’s royal tiara is included to add a bit more glamour to her look, and she comes all decked out in her trademark gown and shoes. Hasbro’s Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Aurora Doll and the Princess Aurora Hair Playset are suggested for children ages three and up because of the small parts included in each set.

Sleeping Beauty’s Princess Aurora is a part of Disney’s “Dream Big, Princess” Campaign begun in 2016. Our familiar and beloved Disney Princesses have each been given a new piece to their personality, whereby encouraging youngsters of all ages, both boys and girls, to be strong, to be themselves, and to “dream big” and achieve their goals. Each month for one year a different theme was featured, focusing on attributes such as being adventurous, being kind to others, or being brave. Every theme pointed toward the importance of living up to your potential. Different virtuous qualities of Disney Princess’s characters have been brought into the spotlight as an encouragement to children as they grow. Young teenagers have been brought into the forefront, as well, who have already set a goal and have succeeded at their dream, further proving that anything is possible. All of our favorite Disney Princesses are taking part in Disney’s “Dream Big, Princess” Campaign. Encouraging our children as they grow is an essential part of their development, and, for us, as parents, watching them pursue their dreams is even better than achieving our own.

Win A Disney Princess Aurora Prize Pack!

93 thoughts on “Dreaming Big With Disney Princess Aurora {#Giveaway} #DreamBigPrincess”

  1. I would love to win because today my daughter said she would really like to add Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and Ariel to her collection of Disney dolls, so here I am trying to get her at least one from her list! 🙂

  2. I would love to win this amazing prize pack for my daughters. Especially my youngest she is a HUGE fan of all the Disney Princesses

  3. I’d love to win because the little girl next door loves to collect the Disney Princesses & this would make for a lovely surprise!

  4. I’d love to introduce Aurora and all of her sweet personality to our three year old daughter! I know she will love her as much as I do!

  5. My niece loves anything Disney Princess so I would love to win this for her. She has been sick so this would be a nice surprise for her.

  6. I’d love to win this for my youngest daughter. She is only one but she already tries to play dolls/barbies with her 3 older sisters.

  7. My youngest daughter is absolutely obsessed with Aurora so this would be such a special gift for her. Thank you so very much for the chance!

  8. My girl is all about Disney Princesses at the moment. Santa even brought her a giant Princess castle, so Aurora would have a great home!

  9. I hope to God that this giveaway is open to the US, because I couldn’t find anything about it. So…I would love to win this for my granddaughter! She would love this. She is really into princesses right now. God bless and good luck everyone!

  10. Emily loves to play with dolls and she also loves to dress them up. I think kids needs more interactive play and less tech LOL

  11. My kids love pretending that they are make believe worlds and this princess would fit in well.

    Besos Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  12. I would love to win for my daughter because she loves Disney Princess! Aurora is my favorite princess of all and one of hers also!

  13. Would love to win because my girls just discovered Disney princesses and of course are totally n love with all things princess.


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