DK Canada Food Books Review And Giveaway

Cooking for my family is something I love to do and I am always interested in finding new recipes to bring some variety into our meals, as well as new ways to add fun and flavor.

Herbs & Spices

DK herbs and spices

Herbs and Spices by Jill Norman, is both a book of recipes and a type of “how-to” book which guides the reader through different herbs and spices, how to tell them apart, and how to use them in recipes. There are instructions explaining how to prepare unique spice mixtures to add to different dishes. This book has actually been updated to include new herbs and spices being used around the world and new recipes that can be used alongside recipes already being prepared in kitchens everywhere. Every household has their particular preferences, and this book caters to every one of them. Seasoned cooks, so to speak, as well as those just beginning to navigate their way in the kitchen will find this book full of intriguing recipes and information. Herbs and Spices by Jill Norman, is available in hardback, with deliciously illustrated pictures that draw not only the eye, but the appetite as well. It is also available in ebook.

Yan-Kits Classic Chinese Cookbook

DK Canada Chinese Cookbook

Yan-kit's classic chinese cookbook

Another book I have had the opportunity to experiment with is Yan-Kit’s Classic Chinese Cookbook by Yan-Kit So. Yan-Kit So’s cookbook has been used by cooks for over thirty years because of the authenticity of the recipes and the knowledge she puts into them. This book, too, has been updated and now includes enticing pictures of the completed recipes, which makes cooking these dishes simpler and easier to understand. Yan-Kit So is an expert in the art of Chinese cooking and her recipes offer a wide variety of wonderful dishes. Her instructions and expertise are easy to follow and her years of experience put a professional flavor into the ingredients she uses, while keeping the recipes simple. I have the hardback version of Yan-Kit’s Classic Chinese Cookbook; however, it is also available in ebook form.

Complete Family Nutrition

dk canada complete family nutrition

dk complete family nutrition

The third book is Complete Family Nutrition, by Jane Clarke. Jane Clarke is a Nutritionist with a wealth of invaluable knowledge under her belt. Her book covers everything the reader wants and needs to know about guarding the health of the family through the right kinds of nutrition. She visits every age, from birth to adult, with instructions and suggestions for not only the most nutritious foods, but also appropriate serving sizes. She delves into the health of the body as well as the mind, and which are the right foods for the health of both. Ms. Clarke addresses the proper foods that should be eaten by every age group for their growth and health.

Vitamins and supplements are talked about in Complete Family Nutrition, as well as when is the best time to eat fresh foods and when that may not be the best option; how to tackle a little bit too much weight, and how to maintain a healthy weight.

Jane Clarke shares her extensive knowledge with the reader regarding physical ailments, their causes, and how to eliminate them naturally, as well as an unlimited number of other subjects that are imperative to keeping our families healthy and happy.

[easyazon_table attributes=”Author,ListPrice” identifiers=”1465435980,1465430075,1465419497″ locale=”US” orientation=”al” tag=”natubabyprod-20″ text=”Herbs & Spices: The Cook’s Reference|Yan-Kit’s Classic Chinese Cookbook|Complete Family Nutrition”]

WIN Herbs & Spices and Complete Family Nurtrition Books from DK Canada!

30 thoughts on “DK Canada Food Books Review And Giveaway”

  1. I would like to win the Herbs & Spices
    and Complete Family Nurtrition Books
    from DK Canada because i think they would
    be interesting to read
    and i like trying new recipes.
    Thank you for having this giveaway.

  2. I would love to win these books because I really enjoy books about food. I think the Herbs & Spices book looks especially nice. Thanks for the chance!

  3. I would like to win the Herbs & Spices & Complete Family Nutrition Books from DK Canada, because I’m always looking for new healthy recipes for the family. My daughter has several food allergies or intolerances and they change, so our meals have to incorporate them.

  4. I’m growing more and more herbs in my garden as time goes by, and it would be great learning more about them and how to use them. With Chinese cooking, I’m pretty basic at it right now but would love to learn to make different dishes and particularly how to make the sauces.The Complete Family Nutrition would be great for a new mom I know. Thanks for the chance.

  5. I would love to win because I really need a book like Complete Family Nutrition – it’s exactly what I am looking for to start making healthier food choices for my family. And the Herbs & Spices book would be a great gift for my parents who love to use herbs and spices in their cooking.

  6. I am very interested in the Herbs & Spices: The Cook’s Reference. I would love to learn to make my own spice mixes from scratch.

  7. both books are great but would especially like the the Herbs & Spices: The Cook’s Reference, we love to try and use different spices!

  8. I love saving money by cooking and eating at home. I am also trying to install the love of cooking into my family. /these books look very interesting and I think they would be inspiring for the whole whole family.

  9. I enjoy cooking and the recipes in these books look like ones we would enjoy learning how to make. The nutrition book would probably have a lot of good tips in it.

  10. I would love to win as I am always cooking and baking and always looking for new ways to bake . I am building my own cook book though not a traditional one and utilising different spices would be beneficial so I would love the herb and spice book, plus I love herbs and spices so there is that too. 🙂 thanks for giveaway


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