As parents, we may not have time to go to the gym, but we can still be physically active and boost our metabolism by using a bit of creativity in planning your day. During a recent week when my daughter was sidelined by a nasty cold, I started thinking about ways to be physically active when going to the gym was out of the question. I have came up with a few ways to fit exercise and nutrition into a packed-full day.
Rain and cold weather are constant from October until late March, and even some days in April, making it hard for me to enjoy while being outdoors. I know I’m not built for this weather. I just know I don’t enjoy as much as I’d like this time of the year. So naturally indoor activities are explored, friend’s houses are invaded and some malls are explored.
Baking, hot chocolate, lounging or crafting are some of the things we do the most during this gloomy season. Getting outdoors and being active is what we are always after and at the first sight of sunshine. We realize we go out and do the usual activities (visit the zoo, the science centre, kid oriented places) that without thinking too much about it, we know these places do not provide much fitness to us parents. So, I began the hunt for some ideas to stay healthy while working and being a parent.
I found some great ideas to start implementing right away.These ideas are not that hard, nor costly. Really, sometimes we just need a reminder of those tiny bits that contribute to make a huge difference in our lifestyle.
-Swap muffin for fresh fruit. I usually had a craving of something sweet around mid afternoon. My excuse was to go and buy them fresh to allow me the “extra walk”. I realized I can also pick up fresh fruit instead. Berries are in season and what better way to something refreshing.
-Swap mayo for avocado. I sometimes don’t have time to pack lunch for myself. Besides the obvious, freshly baked bread and fresh ingredients, who needs mayo? This has been the best swap I made and the nutritional results are more meaningful than the other sandwiches I usually eat.
-Swap coke for water. I don’t drink pop that much, but when I eat out I tend to pop. Sometimes I don’t even finish it, it’s just too much and flat. I figured there’s no reason to not order a bottle of water instead.
-Swapping the elevator for using the stairs. If I go somewhere for an appointment I will walk a few floors rather then the elevavator, or if you work on the 3rd floor of a building, take the stairs to go to the ground level, and gradually start using them to go up as well.
-Swapping crafting for something more “fitnessy” outdoors. A couple of hours in the weekend is a great way to get outside and get fit. Gardening was a good way of moving and have a mild work out.
-Sports for the family. If you’ve got a young sports enthusiast in the family, play along. Shooting baskets and kicking a soccer ball around the yard are great ways to get your heart pumping. Thirty minutes of cardio training are recommended, but even five to 10 minutes will elevate your energy and speed your metabolism.
-Take the kids for a walk or just go by yourself. If their pace is too slow, add some lunges, jumping jacks.
-Let little children ride bicycles or tricycles while you jog behind, I don’t jog but I do speed walk and get my cardio going!
-Do yoga or pilates while you, or the kids, unwind in front of a movie. While watching TV, do push-ups or sit-ups during commercials. Even one per commercial during a two-hour movie can give you some good exercise.
-Read with my kid. I sometimes get too caught up in household chores I forget to participate in activities that my kid enjoys.
-Go to bed earlier. I have a long hard record for not going to bed early. I’m either watching a late show, or in bed but still flickering through the apps, or reading the latest friend’s status in Facebook. Going to bed earlier makes a difference not only in our mood, which consequently will improve our overall health, but also in our physical appearance in our skin.
-Go for a walk at break time. Not only will the walk add activity to my daily desk job, but making sure I get a break in between can improve reduce stress levels and trying to grab a friend to go with you and socialize.
As a mom I know I do not always put myself first, I always say I am going to but never end up doing so. I have taken on some of these simple habits to make sure that I am caring for myself because I always have someone else depending on me and I need to stay healthy and happy for them and myself. You should try too! Do you have any tips to add to this list?
my husband and I are on a mission to be more healthy. it’s affirming to see we’re already doing most of the things you mention! good encouragement for others.
great tips. Im working on these and feel so much better when i do better. i think the hardest one for me is getting enough sleep.
Great tips! We recently moved into a place with hardwood floors everywhere and I didn’t realize how much work it is to sweep all of the time! Its great!
I like your suggestion for fitting yoga or pilates in while the kids are winding down. Once you learn a sequence, a 20min session is easy to remember especially with other stuff going on around