If you are a housewife, or one who is currently at home due to some family commitments or because of pregnancy like me, I’m sure you have loads of time to kill! Apart from all the work and taking care of husband and a four-year old daughter, I try to do light activities which relieve the pregnancy stress and endless worry over nothing. One of my favourites is playing the BBQ Blitz with my family! I am absolutely in love with this game! The funny thing being the fact that not only it is my personal favourite, but my four year old daughter plays it like crazy too! All you have to do is buy this adorable looking board game online or from a nearby store and get started! 2-4 people are an optimum number of players while playing this game.
One can spend hours on this Burger slidin’ game endlessly flipping burgers, filling paper plates with them, trying different toppings of the burgers, matching one with others and so on and so forth. It is very easy to learn, the player chooses a plate and notes his/her topping, then uses the Spatula to flip the burgers and find the ones which match with their toppings. The player who fills his plate first with burgers and buns wins!
My daughter loves it because she pretends to be her dad while playing this game, just like he would get the grill hot during a fine Sunday morning and prepare grilled burgers for us. It is the perfect way for her to impersonate him and mimic the way he would cook.
The game comes with quite a heavy package. You have a colorful game board measuring 13.5″L x 13.5″W, 12 buns, 4 spatulas, 4 “paper” plates, 16 burgers and 4 different sorts of toppings for them. Those who know math, can get an idea of the endless posibilities of burgers that can be made while playing this game.
The first time when we played this game, my family spent almost 2 hours, our hands and eyes glued to the board, flipping spatulas and screaming out in exclamation.
I think this is a great game for my 4 year old because as i see her flipping burgers, i can see how it develops her matching skills and improves her hand-eye coordination and sudden reflexes.
Although this game is made for kids of age 4 and up, I must say being an adult, you should really not miss out on the fun and play alongside your little one, reviving a bit of child hood board games memory of your own.
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this is so cute! hope i win!
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this would be great for my daughter
bbq products are really needed for home. It is a really good product to safe people from diseases.