@EnviroKidz Chocolate Garden Cups #Recipe {Earth-Day Party Kit Giveaway $100 Value!}

Earth Day is coming up on April 22! To celebrate Nature’s Path EnviroKidz, one of our favorite earth-conscious brands, is offering one our US/CAN readers the chance to WIN an “EnviroKidz Celebrate-the-Earth Party Kit“, valued at $100! 

EnviroKidz party kit_for web

The kit comes with the following inclusions so you can throw an awesome party:

  • 10 free product vouchers, valued at $50 – all for mom or to share with party guests!
  • Party Treats
    • All the EnviroKidz products needed to create the yummy party recipes above
    • EnviroKidz snack bars for the party or for goodie bags
  • Download-and-print party invites
  • Party Banner
  • Party swag including animal stickers from our 1% for the Planet nonprofit partners such as The Australian Koala Foundation and Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
  • Activity books full of fun, educational games and quizzes featuring your favourite EnviroKidz Animals. Koalas, Chimps and Pandas, oh my!

37 thoughts on “@EnviroKidz Chocolate Garden Cups #Recipe {Earth-Day Party Kit Giveaway $100 Value!}”

  1. Since going gluten-free, Nature’s Path has quickly become a favourite brand. My daughter and I both reqlly enjoy the EnviroKidz products…..fun and delicious.

  2. I would love to win because I have never tried these products and they look great! I think my kids would really like them

  3. This looks like such a fun prize for my niece! She & my sister in law would have a great time spending time together and making stuff!

  4. I would love to win because envirokidz has lots of great gluten free products which are perfect for my best friend because her daughters both are celiac

  5. I think my daughter would like this as a breakfast treat in the weekends. i like that their products help the environment and they contain less sugar than regular cereals.


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