You cannot keep my girls inside for more than an hour before they are clamoring to go back outside to play. Living in Atlanta we can enjoy the outdoors pretty much year-round. When it gets to be April, though, the weather turns to almost summer-like temperatures and I know that my girls need some serious sun protection for their developing skin.
Episencial sent us a summer skincare kit just in time for the first part of the Atlanta “summer”. I was thrilled to learn that Episencial products are formulated specifically for newborns and children’s sensitive, developing skin.
Knowing how much their skin can absorb, it was great to know that the SunnySunscreen is so much more than just an SPF 35 sunscreen. Made with ingredients I know and can pronounce (!), the Sunny Sunscreen is fortified with green tea extract (organic no less!) to help protect from sun damage, complimented with organic seed oils, and then mixed with organic shea butter and beeswax to boost its water resistance. My girls weren’t concerned about the ingredients but they did love the adorable Eric Carle illustrations on the packaging.
The Fun Summer Skincare Value Kit is only $14.99–the same price as the SunnySunscreen on its own–but included inside are $15 worth of extra products. Not only do you get the 4oz. tube of SunnySunscreen but you also receive two smaller tubes of their incredible soothing and protective skincare products. The .75 oz tube of Protective Face Balm (SPF 6) was featured on a Good Morning America Health segment for its healthy attributes–it includes vitamins A, D, C, and E partially derived from cranberry extract, grape seed, and organic raspberry juice. We’ve used it every day and my girls have yet to get any rough patches on their face from the heat and sun exposure!
Additionally, you’ll find a .75 oz tube of their very popular Soothing Cream which helps skin rehydrate and stay healthy–should any dry patches occur, we will definitely be applying this soothing cream to my girls’ skin but it’s good to know you can also use this cream for diaper rashes and eczema!
After using the products found in the Fun Summer Skincare Value Kit for a week, I came away a huge fan of Episencial. Their products work–my girls never even had a hint of sunburn on their skin–and we’ve been in swimsuits and tank tops so lots of skin was exposed!
When we ran through our sprinkler, I noticed that the Sunny Sunscreen stayed on and didn’t need to be reapplied right away. I loved the non-greasy Protective Face Balm and even used it for myself! It didn’t clog my pores and it did not run off my face while I was running (and sweating!) in the sun.
I loved that I knew what ingredients they had in each product and that each ingredient served a soothing, protective purpose. Using these Episencial products soothed this protective mama’s fears–i know that when using the products inside the Fun SummerSkincare Value Kit we’ll be safe from burns and unnecessary chemical exposure!
Check store locator to find an Episencial-filled location near to you.
And there is a special Skin Cancer Awareness Month promo with
One lucky Natual Baby Goods reader will receive full-sized Sunny Sunscreen SPF 35 (4oz) and Protective Face Balm SPF 6 (.75 oz), as well as a travel sized Soothing Cream (.75 oz.) from Episencial.
Contest ends May 18, 2011. OPEN to US only!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2.Visit Episencial and leave a comment telling me something else you like on their site.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to!
4. Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow NaturalBabyGood and episencial twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily).
#Win @episencial Fun Summer Skincare Value Kit from @naturalbabygood #giveaway Ends 5/18 Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook and comment on my wall about why you would like to win it.
8. Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect. (2 entries)
9. Like Episencial on facebook
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
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I also like their Playful Foaming Wash.
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Another product I would like tot try is the Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath
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I would like to try the soothing cream. Love the packaging. So cute!
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i get your mail and i like the better body butter
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E-mail subscriber and love their playful foaming wash
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I’d love to try the Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath.
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I also like their Playful Foaming Wash!
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I would also like to try the Better Body Butter.
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I’d luv to try the playful foaming wash
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I want Sunny Sunscreen SPF 35
Water resistant protection for face & body
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I also like the Playful Foaming Wash.
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I also like their better body butter!!/CrazyItalian0/status/67182736888180736
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I also like their playful foaming wash!
I subscribe via email and I like their sweet dream bubble bath.
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I subscribe and also like the Playful Foaming Wash
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like the nurturing balm- sounds like i need some too!
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I like the sweet dreams bubble bath!
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I think I’d like to try out the Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath on my little guy
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I like the playful foaming wash.
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The better body butter sounds like a great product as well as the giveaway items!
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I would like to try their Better Body BUtter.
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email subscriber, I also like their better body butter!
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I like the playful foaming wash
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I subscribe and I’m all about the sweet dreams baby bath. Love it!
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I like the Nurturing Balm
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meltheplux at gmail dot com
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meltheplux at gmail dot com
Like Episencial on facebook and left the comment on their wall
Email subscriber (new!) and the thing on their site that I love… is that they are cruelty free! That’s always a good thing in my book to see the bunny logo! Plus I want to try the Better Body Butter too (I hope it smells like the strawberry pictured on the front!).
Follow both on Twitter (@ToriMichel) and tweeted:!/ToriMichel/status/70197247207411712
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New GFC follower too!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
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I’d also like to try the Better Body Butter
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I like the Playful Foaming Body Wash for Kids
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i’d like to try the sweet dreams bubble bath. i also like their packaging
The Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath would be great for my kids
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i get your emails- i would like to try the sweet dream bubble bath and i like that their site is clear and simple
tcogbill at live dot com
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tcogbill at live dot com
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tcogbill at live dot com
We would like to try the bubble bath.!/CrazyItalian0/status/70891692663906304
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
Already a subscriber and I like the bubble bath
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i also like the Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath
1 google friend klp1965
2 google friend klp1965
email subscriber and i would like the soothing cream
I subscribed to your emails!
I love that their products are chemical free!!
I follow you and Episencial on twitter and tweeted the giveaway!!/fathersjoy/status/71020848592588800
I already liked Episencial on fb!
I commented on your fb about why I want to win these awesome products!
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I like Better Body Butter
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