Ford Introduces Mood Lighting


Moms are so-called super moms because they can literally take care of each member of the family while handling all the chores and errands too. And among these things moms endlessly do, driving is definitely part of it. They drive kids to school, deliver forgotten things as exam permits or lunch boxes, and go grocery shopping, pay bills here and there and so many more.

Having all of these things all mixed up in a busy day can make moms a little cranky. It is a fact that moms too are human enough to feel the pressure and tension between the physical tasks and the emotional demands they need to go through the entire day. As a mom, I always feel the need to be in control and handle things the best way I can most especially when I am bombarded with all the pressures of being a mom. Apart from my years of experience in dealing with all these as a mom, I always see to it that no pressure can pull me down and affect my activities of daily living.

 ford mood lighting

With so much excitement, I have learned about this awesome news about FORD FUSION which can help moms and young teenagers get over stress and pressure with the color of the car’s interior and exterior! Well, yes that may sound crazy but it’s true. It has this very relaxing interior and exterior color which basically affects the driver’s and passenger’s mood during a busy and demanding day. This new car, Ford Fusion with the mood lighting can help to lower blood pressure and easing the stress felt. You can actually feel the difference when you get into this car as the color gives out a certain effect and makes you more alert and feel good the entire day.

Actually, our brains are bring to these colors that we see, but Ford Fusion has this electromagnetic energy released by the interior and exterior color of the car eventually causing emotional responses – and in this case, positive emotional responses. With lowering of production of hormone causing stress, it will then yield positive effects and clear out your mind then slow down your breathing rate that help the heart relax.

As they say, color can affect the way you feel. This is basically a psychological approach which has been proven to really affect one’s behavior. The kind of color you choose provides a certain effect as emotional responses and the lighting also triggers your sense of orientations thus making you more alert.

All these can be behavioral in nature but I think it provides nothing but positive impact to hard-working moms like me or even to young teenagers whose feelings and emotions can be affected easily. If you want to get a positive feel, and enjoy an entire day of work and adventure then consider driving your own Ford Fusion.

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