I’m proud to share that being eco-sensible comes along some cost-cutting benefits. As a new mom, I am somewhat forcing myself to grow along with my child. I need to make decisions, choices and source other options.
A few weeks ago I received this FreckleBox Personalized Lunch Box for product review. Frecklebox is founded by two clever guys, named Scott and Mark. On the early years of their partnership, they created a printing and distribution business called Progressive Solutions. These two exceptional fathers were obviously inspired with their kids, the magnificent outcome, Frecklebox. They take their endeavors lightly but seriously. The drive to develop their children’s minds very undeniable. As entrepreneurs, they’ve been on a relentless mission to maximize the potentials of their web-based digital printing, and from that same thread, Frecklebox blossomed.
I am grateful to have this FreckleBox Personalized Lunch Box, what we’ve got is the Dark Brown Hair Princess Personalized Lunch Box with my daughter‘s name Fiona. There are 7 choices from the ‘Looks Like Me Personalized Princess Lunch Boxes’ category, these seven characters offer different personalities, based on a princess’s hair color. I chose the princess’s hair color as dark brown , just like my daughter’s hair color.
I remember telling my child, “Look, its mommy” as I pointed out the princess, my daughter’s respond was “No, it’s a Princess, you’re a mom” and that was so silly of me. Anyways, since we got the FreckleBox Personalized Lunch Box I was able to store home-made snack for my child, which I carry on our constant travels. I don’t want my child to get used to eating out in fast food chains. I know that she loves fries and apple pie but as early as now, I want to train her that those aren’t the only choices, those aren’t treats. I want her to observe that I do put my heart and soul just to give her nutritious foods.
FreckleBox is a store that offers personalized gifts for kids, something different and precious. My daughter loves her FreckleBox Personalized Lunch Box simply because she felt that she is the dark brown haired Princess. She got excited carrying around the lunch box as she anticipates eating my specialty snacks.
I noticed that my efforts are highly appreciated simply because I offer my child a FreckleBox Personalized Lunch Box that depicts her persona.
FreckleBox also offers wall art, story books, stickers, puzzles, posters, placemats, party favors, notebooks, coloring books, growth charts, journals and clipboards. Take note moms, their products are packed with different themes, whether your child wants pirate ships, safari animals, nautical feel, cars, pop-culture, nature, or whatever your child desires I can assure you that there’s something special just for your child.
Find out your child’s innate passion, visit their site at www.frecklebox.com and let your child choose what they want. You’ll be surprised by the results as you discover a gratifying intellect that your child posses.
Well, I found out that my child is a minimalist and extremely feminine. In addition to that, the designs at FreckleBox will surely compliment your home as well, they digital printing expertise says it all.
Frecklebox is generously giving away one of Natural Baby Goods readers the choice of a personalized lunch box.
Contest ends May 02, 2010. OPEN to USA and Canada!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
This is required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
2. Visit FreckleBox and make a comment back here about your favourite personalized product.
3. Blog about the giveaway link to www.naturalbabygoods.com and www.frecklebox.com leave the URL to your post in the comment. (5 entries)
4. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (2 entries)
5. Follow NaturalBabyGood on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. @naturalbabygood #Giveaway FreckleBox Personalized Lunch Box Ends May 02 http://tinyurl.com/y7p4uuu Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Become “Natural Baby Goods” Fan on Facebook. Leave me a comment letting me know that you did and include your Facebook name. (2 entries)
7. Participate in my others giveaways and leave the comment here.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
I subscribe — thanks for the great giveaway
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I like the Zoo Animals puzzle.
I love the Pink Posey Journal!
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I really like the personalized Zoo Book
Email subscriber!
This would be fun for my daughter!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
Subscribed! Love the My name is… book! The cover alone is frameable!!!Love it!
I love the personalized coloring books — especially the mermaid one!
NBG facebook fan Paula Mitchell-Bentley entry 1
I also entered the Herbal Hugs Gift Set Giveaway
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I love the early bird lunchbox
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amy bolda pugmire
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I like the blue dots personalized journal.
michelle dot lee dot carter at gmail dot com
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What a cute lunchbox! I already subscribe to your blog via email. tiffduke@hotmail.com
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5 stars on alexa.com
I love the personalized coloring books. Particularly the fairy and the princess ones. My daughter would love these.
I entered the Pawparazzi Pet set giveaway.
I entered the baby dipper bowl giveaway.
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facebook; mommy2skie
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I love the Emily Bird lunch box!
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I love mermaids, so I absolutely adore the Mermaid Personalized Coloring Book!
I also participated in your Big Dipper bowl giveaway!
love the princess one
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I like the Girl’s Dreams lunch box
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I like the Bugged Out personalized placemat.
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my favorite frecklebox item is the my name is personalized book
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I like all the Precious Puppy line
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My tweet: http://twitter.com/catamo/status/12490514642
Entered Hippo giveaway
I entered Miracle Blanket giveaway
SOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you.
This is an awesome giveaway. What a cute product. My daughter would love one of these lunch boxes.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I really, really, really, really like the personalized coloring books. My daughter would absolutely LOVE a coloring book with her name on every page. How cool.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I am a Facebook Fan and PROUD!
Thank you!
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I follow you on Twitter. Kim Buck or kimbuckjr, I can’t remember my user name.
Thank you!
I follow you on Twitter, but again, I don’t remember my user name, sorry.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I am a Facebook fan and “I THINK” my user name is “ChicagoBearsFan.” If not, just look me up under Kimberly Dunek-Buck. Or kimbuckjr, I can’t remember my username. Sorry!
Thank you & God Bless.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I blogged about this giveaway at http://americanfreethinkers.weebly.com/1/post/2010/04/two-great-giveaways-to-check-out.html
I blogged about this giveaway at http://americanfreethinkers.weebly.com/1/post/2010/04/two-great-giveaways-to-check-out.html
I blogged about this giveaway at http://americanfreethinkers.weebly.com/1/post/2010/04/two-great-giveaways-to-check-out.html
I blogged about this giveaway at http://americanfreethinkers.weebly.com/1/post/2010/04/two-great-giveaways-to-check-out.html
I am a facebook fan, Tara Maue
5 stars on alexa.com
5 stars on alexa.com
I entered the on-the-go inflatable potty seat giveaway.
I love the race car lunch box for my son
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skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
I like the personalized journals.
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amber jackson porter
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amber jackson porter
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entered discover rig giveaway
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I entered the discover rig giveaway.
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I love the happy birthday story book
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(entry 2)
I entered the Pawparazzi Pet Sets giveaway
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i love the personalized camo wall art
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I like the clipboards. My son would love the Blue Basketball clipboard!
I entered the Dr. Hippo Book Series Review And Giveaway
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I like the Skater Gator Personalized Lunch Box.
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I like the Loves to Color Coloring Book
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I really like all of the personalized lunch boxes!
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I like the book, My Name Is.
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Entered GuideCraft
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My favorite product is the Later Skater
Personalized Poster
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I follow on twitter as Prairiebelle and tweeted
Facebook fan – Belinda M
Facebook fan – Belinda M
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My favorite item is the Brown Hair Glam Princess lunch box!
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I’m a fb fan. ID: Merrie L.
I joined SamplesOffer via Google Friend Connect. (I’m not sure how that works– my google email is maryford4684@gmail.com, but I use the email above for my contests… Name: Merrie L.) #1
I joined SamplesOffer via Google Friend Connect. (I’m not sure how that works– my google email is maryford4684@gmail.com, but I use the email above for my contests… Name: Merrie L.) #2
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I love the growth charts.
I entered the baby dipper giveaway.
I entered the Pawparazzi giveaway.
Email subscriber. bekki1820cb at gmail
I love the personalized zoo book as well.
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Following on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
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Have button: http://2everythinginbetween.blogspot.com/
bekki1820cb at gmail
Have button: http://2everythinginbetween.blogspot.com/
bekki1820cb at gmail
Facebook fan: Bekki Orr bekki1820cb at gmail #1
Facebook fan: Bekki Orr bekki1820cb at gmail #2
I am a subscriber, thank you
foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com
I love the personalized Red Robin stickers!
foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com
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I have your button on my blog! #1
I have your button on my blog! #2
I love the personalized Unicorn Storybook! So cute!
I am a subscriber crayolaswap at hotmail dot com
I like their personalized clipboards crayolaswap at hotmail dot com