Games to Spook and Entertain this Halloween

I can’t believe it’s already Halloween. Ok. Let’s face it. I know this was not a normal year for the majority of people. And for a lot of us, this year maybe not a remarkable year to be remembered.

But how can we forget? It’s Halloween. It’s a good time of the year. And all things apart. We have to give an enjoyable time for our little people, right.

Indeed, it’s not a good time to go door to door and play trick-or-treat.

But, instead, we can give our children a good time by introducing them to fun and engaging indoor games. That way, we can keep them inside and busy. If they could enjoy and love the indoor games, they will not try to escape and go outside to play.

This time I have selected three gorgeous card games to play. Your kids will love those, and they are indeed very good games.

My boy and girl, who are 8 and 12, had a lot of fun playing these games, and they never got tired of playing those.

I will provide you a brief understanding of these games.

Halloween Board Games

The games are,

1) Tea for two from space cowboys

2) Mysterium Park

3) Carcassonne

1) Tea for two from Space Cowboys

Tea for 2

This is a two-player game from space cowboys. Your kids will love the game as it is themed Alice in the wonderland. In this card game, you have to defeat your opponent by playing the cards right. It will take approximately 25 minutes for a game, and the designer of the game is Cedrick Chaboussit.

In the game, you have to try to score many points as possible by getting all the stars. At the beginning of the game, both payers have to turn their cards and decide who wins. As you guess, the player with the highest number should win.

A deck of card has nine cards, and they are numbered 1 to 9.

Each turn starts with players choosing a card from the top of the deck and the highest card win.

The winner can do two things. He can use the special ability on the card he chose or get a card from the centerboard. The centerboard has decks of cards ranging from 4 to 8.

You know, there is a difference between the two cards both the players picked, so you can purchase a card in which the value is equal or lower than the difference between the two cards.

You can use tarts tokens to raise your purchasing power.+1 for each token spent. Those bought cards will go into your discard card pile.

You can choose between power and card-buying, then you can spend hourglass tokens to advance a clock shaped dial by a number of spaces equal to the spent tokens.

When 4 out of 5 of the main board card piles are empty, the game ends.

As you can see, this is a very interesting game as well as it has nice features of the related theme, such as stealing tarts, and the queen of hearts has the ability to destroy cards, etc..

The game is no brainer, but it’s not a very difficult game to understand.

You have to use some tactics and strategies. So, it’s not too complex but an enjoyable game, which your kids will love playing.

2) Mysterium Park

Mysterium Park

Ok. First of all, I have to tell you this is a great game for Halloween.

The rules are relatively easy and straightforward.

In this pack, there are 84 vision cards, 20 location cards, and 20 character cards. The illustrations of the cards are really beautiful and shiny. But they are dark and creepy.

Also, there are five pawns, five innocence tokens, three ticket tokens, one witness token, one plastic stand, one game board, and 1 round marker.

The game is as follows.

There is a circus in a town, and a mysterious event has happened. Someone has murdered. And there are nine suspects and nine crime scenes. The murdered man is a director, and now he has become a ghost. The ghost helps the psychics to solve the mystery. He gives them visions, and first, they help eliminate the innocents and finally identify the criminals and the crime scene.

To start the game, the token is placed at the top of the round tracker, and the nine character cards are placed randomly on the board.

The ghost draws cards, and the psychic draws cards that will finally lead towards the innocents.

The ghost has vision cards, and he gives the psychic cards to guide them towards the right suspect. Then the psychic places their intuition pawn on the suspect card that they believe innocent. They decide that based on vision cards. If the psychic guessed it right, the suspect card is removed from the board. When the psychic guesses both innocent characters right, three suspect cards are collected and set aside.

After that, you have to play with the random set of 9 locations cards.

And the circus in town is limited to six nights, that means six rounds. So, by the end of the night, if the psychic couldn’t find the innocent characters, then everyone loses. If everyone could find all the innocent characters and the locations, then all the team members can enter the last phase, which is finding the murderer.

Finally, the psychic gets the chance to find the murderer with the help of the ghost.

Sounds interesting, right? I know that you would really want this game this season.

It’s really a lot of fun to choose the vision which you should give your partner or to try out what the ghost means. Sometimes actually, things happen exactly the opposite of what we think. And sometimes you will end up thinking why on earth you got this card, and that’s the beauty of this game.

3) Carcassonne


Are you in search of a game that is very simple yet interesting?

In this game, the rules are really simple as I wouldn’t want to explain them to my little boy. The game is perfect for those who love medieval times as well.

Carcassonne is a game designed by Klaus Wrede. It is a Germon style tile-based board game. It can be played by two to five players.

Actually, it is a tile-placement game. The players draw and place the tiles. The players build a french landscape with the tiles. A tile may represent a city, a road, a meadow, or something. And the tiles must be placed adjacent to the tiles that have already been placed.

When placing tiles, we have to remember that the cities must connect to the cities, roads with rods, trees with trees, etc.

Tile by tile, the area should be completed, and the owner gets points for it. The player must decide if he wants to expand his city or to give opponents the chance to score points, so it will be so much fun.

After playing a new tile, the player must not use a follower to claim any information on the tile that extends or connect to another player. But however, it’s ok to share some placements of tiles on different occasions.

The game ends when a player plays the last tile. At that point, players who have the most followers on them score points, and who has the most points wins the game. During a player completes cities, roads, or something, they score points.

So, you can choose the game that fits best for you. Or you can click here to find out where these games are sold. If you have more members at home Mysterium Park or Carcassonne would be perfect for you. And Tea for two can be played only by two players. If your children love to play with colors, shapes, and things in the environment, Carcassonne would be great. 

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