Getting Ready for Easter With Tastefully Simple Part II {Giveaway}

Tastefully Simple is one of the original “Home Taste Test” party planning companies. They offer easy to prepare dips, desserts, and many other great products, most that only require two ingredients or less.

With the Easter season coming up they have put together an Easter Collection. These products will make your Easter celebration simple, easy, and most importantly it will taste wonderful.  

The collection includes 11 products, recipes, a shopping list and detailed instructions on how to use each product for your special celebration.

tastefully simple easter

This week I tried out another 2 products from their Easter Collection product line. You can check my previous review on their Easter collection here.

Truffle Fudge Brownie Mix

Tastefully Simple Brownie

This mix makes the most amazing dark, velvety brownies that are loaded with chunks of chocolate. The best part is you only have to add butter and eggs.

I decided to make some cute little brownie truffle bites for my family to enjoy.

Brownie Truffles


Truffle Fudge Brownie Mix


Truffle Fudge Brownie

Brownie Truffles

Preheat oven to 350°. Prepare Truffle Fudge Brownie Mix according to package directions using butter and eggs. Transfer to a greased 9×13-inch baking pan. Bake 20-25 minutes. Cool completely. Cut into small bite sized pieces. Place a small amount of icing on each brownie. Makes 48 truffles.

These bite sized brownie truffles turned out to be so good. They were the perfect size giving you just the right amount of chocolate for an easy after dinner treat.

Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix

Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix

This muffin mix will make you think you are enjoying a fancy cinnamon pastry with an amazing cup of the best organic coffee in a cute little bakery.

For breakfast one morning we decided to try out the sour cream coffee cake recipe that was included with our collection.

Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe


Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix


Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix

Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe

Combine Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix™ Packet 1 with water, sour cream and eggs. Spread half of batter in greased 9-inch springform pan. Mix Packet 2 with melted butter (mixture will be crumbly). Sprinkle half of cinnamon mixture over the batter. Spread with remaining batter; top with remaining cinnamon mixture.

Bake at 350° for 30-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 minutes. Makes 10-12 servings.

This coffee cake turning out delicious, moist and it tasted great! It was also quick and easy to make with simple easy ingredients you almost always have on hand.

We loved getting to try out some new products and recipes this week. I can’t wait to try out some more. Check back soon to see how I use the remaining products in the Tastefully Simple Easter Collection.

Win Tastefully Simple Easter Collection

14 thoughts on “Getting Ready for Easter With Tastefully Simple Part II {Giveaway}”

  1. I love trying new products and these products look and sound amazing. The Rhubard Strawberry Fruit Spread really looks yummy. Out of all of the Spring Products, I can’t see anything my family wouldn’t love trying.

  2. I am hosting a number of family get togethers and this would enable me to have a different array of items that I ‘make”. I have never tried this brand before as I have not heard of them but would love to try.


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