Just a few of GreenSmart‘s business goals are to:
- make great bags using green materials
- use smarter manufacturing practices whenever they can
- provide eco-concious ideas for customers and themselves (ie giving you ideas for how to be more environmentally friendly in small and big ways)
Perusing their website and talking with their employees illustrates just how well they are reaching their goals — the products they sell come from recycled plastic bags! You can see the whole process of turning plastic bags into fabric on their website (click here). Needless to say, it’s very impressive to think that this
turns into this
and, eventually, this:
I had the opportunity to review the Akepa Mac-13.5″ & 13″ sleeve. To cut to the chase, let’s just say that i love it!
The inside liner is incredible soft and fuzzy and is made from 100% plastic bottles.
The specially designed gusset allows my laptop to breathe, meaning i can put a hot computer into it and it will cool down quickly and not overheat
It is streamlined and trim, creating a snug perfect fit:
and the dual zippers literally seal the deal
They have a great new website makes browsing their innovative products easy — and you’ll come away from the website learning so much more about the environment that it’s like getting a little education just by visiting their online store. Each product comes complete with a description of what makes it green and even tells you how many plastic bottles it contains.
GreenSmart wants to be proof that being green can mean being stylish, colorful and functional while being affordable, too. I think that they more than accomplish that mission. If you’re in the market for a new bag i highly recommend checking out Green Smart first–you can feel great buying green while not spending much more “green”!
One lucky Natural Baby Goods reader will receive a GreenSmart Laptop Sleeve.
Contest ends August 09, 2010. OPEN to US!
Mandatory Entries,
1.To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2.Visit Green Smart and leave a comment telling me your favourite product and why.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3.Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to! (2 entries)
4.Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5.Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6.Follow NaturalBabyGood and GreenSmart on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Win GreenSmart Laptop Sleeve @naturalbabygood Ends August 09(US) http://tinyurl.com/39wf23z Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7.Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
8.Like GreenSmart on Facebook.
9.Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect.
10.Rate me 5 stars on Alexa.com. (3 entries)
I am an email subscriber.
My favorite product is their kea backpack because of their color choices & it’s small and compact, yet has room for a laptop.
I am a follower through google friend connect.
I subscribe to you via e-mail.
My favorite product is the Narwhal messenger bag in ocean blue because I love the color and the style of a messenger bag.
I follow you on GFC.
#1 I rated you 5 stars on Alexa.com
#2 I rated you 5 stars on Alexa.com
#3 I rated you 5 stars on Alexa.com
I subscribe via email and I love the Indri backpack as it seems like something that would hold everything I need in a backpack!
subscriber, love the Javan lunch bag, it looks like the perfect size!
i subscribed mverno@roadruner.com
I subscribe to your blog
Love the Kea backpack!
Subscribed to your newsletter and love the green laptop case, can’t wait to see who wins!
I subscribe to your blog!
My favorite Green Smart product is the Mandrill backpack. It has so many useful compartments, and of course I appreciate the fact that it’s “green”…
i subscribe by email
my favorite product is the Bowhead wine tote because, well, you always needs something to carry wine in and this would keep them from banging around and looks much more stylish than a brown paper bag.
following you both on twitter and tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20030757556
i am a public follower with GFC
1. rated you 5 stars on Alexa.com
2. rated you 5 stars on Alexa.com
3. rated you 5 stars on Alexa.com
The Baringo messenger bag is nice.
I like you on facebook.
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20095474445
I like the Akepa-17″ Widescreen Laptop Sleeve. I’d love to have one to protect my laptop and allow me to take it places.
I’m a facebook fan of GreenSmart under username Jennie Tilson.
I’m a facebook fan of Natural Baby Goods under username Jennie Tilson.
I follow via Google Friend Connect.
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20171774253
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20241525560
#1 I have your button on my blog.
#2 I have your button on my blog.
#1 I blogged about this giveaway.
#2 I blogged about this giveaway.
#3 I blogged about this giveaway.
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20314896527
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20407401927
Email Subscriber
I like the Narwhal bag
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following you on twitter “imnotarunner”
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facebooked and liked greensmart
Akepa Widescreen Laptop Sleeve
I’m a subscriber and also like the Javan lunchbox.
New subscriber
love the way the laptop sleeves are designed. Also its great to find sleeves for my 17″
tweeted and following – bettycd
like natural baby goods on FB
betty dennis
like Greensmart on FB
betty dennis
button entry #2
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email subscriber
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Mandatory entry #2
I like the mandrill backpack
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
fb fan (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
rated 5 stars on alexa #1
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
rated 5 stars on alexa #2
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
rated 5 stars on alexa #3
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like green smart on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
follow both on twitter & tweeted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20576263712
I subscribe to your blog via email.
I like the Javan lunch tote…
I follow via google friend connect
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
My favorite item is the Nawhal Messenger Bag in Ocean Blue.
It would be perfect for taking my laptop and notebooks with me on the go.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am a fan of Green Smart via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
email subscriber (mandatory entry)
favorite product — messenger bag “puku”
reason – bright, unique
(mandatory entry 2)
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20651515264
I’m already an email subscriber. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
My favorite item is the Puku Messenger bag Item #: 4414 because it makes the perfect stylish bag for my oldest son at school.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I have your button. Entry 1
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I have your button. Entry 2
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
puku messenger bag
7.Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
8.Like GreenSmart on Facebook.
9.Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect.
button 1
button 2
I am an email subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
I am a follower on GFC. Thanks for the chance for the great giveaway.
email subscriber
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Love the Puku because it’s not to bulky and the colors are great
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
follow both and tweeted
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
google friend
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I am an email subscriber – rboo224ATgmailDOTcom and I really like the greensmart Mandrill backpack
following both on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/Rachelie123/status/20712407103
Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook – Rachel Grimes
Like GreenSmart on Facebook – Rachel Grimes
following on google connect – Rachel Grimes
I now subscribe via email
My favorite product is the messenger bags, because the one I have is not as eco-friendly as the GreeenSmart’s bag
I follow through GFC!
email subscriber
My fav product from green smart is their bottle koozies!
email subscriber
email subscriber
I like this:
It’s cool looking, and looks like it has a loy of pockets.
Followining both on twitter and tweeted
I am subscribed to you via e-mail.
I really like their Akepa 17″ because it looks crazy soft and because it’s named after a bird!
Following via gfc
I’m a subscriber.
I like the Narwhal messenger bag because I love those types of bags and the colors it comes in!
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/20732838224
I love the Javan lunch bag because it fits all my lunch on one convenient location.
Nice post about laptop sleeve some of theme are realy nice and stylish. Thank you Vivian