#HelpGoodThingsGrow & Win an @EnviroKidz Gardening Kit

When I recall my childhood days, I still remember the memories I spent at my garden with my parents and grandparents. Gardening is absolute fun and many thanks to Envirokidz for bringing up this great venture called #HelpGoodThingsGrow. With this growing kit, kids learn to care for plants, understand the cause and effect of how plants survive. 


Initially, I gave my son and daughter their own separate garden space. As my son is too young I assisted him in difficult tasks like digging and potting the seeds. My daughter made her own design and planning in the garden space allotted to her. It will be an added advantage if the kids perform the activities as a team and transform it into shared play activity. The canvas gardening tote with trowel and fork was perfect for kids as they were light weight and came in correct size. 

The kit came along with the EnviroKidz activity book in which there were various activities to be done. Other than these, for my son I gave activities like watering plants, harvesting the veggies from garden, and my daughter did tasks like digging, planting, mulching and pruning. The plantable kale seed paper in the kit was a nice activity to start with. They also picked the veggies when they were ready to eat. At the end, they enjoyed eating the plants grown by them which just make my job easy to pester them about eating foods.

I am proud of my kids that they are learning new skills and basics about gardening. At the same time they have fun, get themselves dirty (which is still fine) digging the soil, and love to see their plants grow. They tend their own plants and learn the science of plants, animals, environment, season and also the benefits of eating organics. Finding new and exciting ways to grow food definitely develop the naturalistic intelligence in kids. 

Last year I planted tomatoes, beans, peppers, cucumbers and watermelons at my backyard and this year it was good to watch both my little ones do the same. Our backyard attracted butterflies and other tiny birds as there were lovely flowers planted. We are all so excited by gardening that we have decided to visit botanic gardens, children’s farms and get more ideas from Envirokidz. 

Our weekends are much more memorable than they were earlier. The kits help to develop the curiosity and grow their understanding of environments that we live in. EnviroKidz believe that tasty organic foods like cereals, fruits can save the world and rather kids can do this by exploring the natural world. By doing this they help to cultivate future Eco ambassadors from the ground up.

WIN an @EnviroKidz Gardening Kit (US/CAN)!

One natural mama lucky winner will receive an @EnviroKidz Gardening Kit including:

  • Canvas gardening tote with trowel and fork
  • Plantable kale seed paper
  • EnviroKidz Activity Book
  • Gardening themed recipe cards
  • EnviroKidz cereal bars x 2 boxes
  • 3 free product vouchers

36 thoughts on “#HelpGoodThingsGrow & Win an @EnviroKidz Gardening Kit”

  1. would love to win for my daughter, it would get her interested in gardening . She would learn from planting to table! Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. the kids would love to work with this kit – what an opportunity to learn about caring for the earth and consequences of growing our own food. thanks

  3. I would like to win this because it would be great for my little nephew,and the free product coupons would be great for me! 🙂

  4. I am an avid gardener and The Kids have been helping me for 3 years now. This year, they started a bunch of seeds inside and while all didn’t survive the transplant, some did and they are SO proud!

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  5. I’d love to win this because we have a couple of aspiring gardeners who are just waiting to get their hands in the dirt! 😉

  6. I would love to win this so I can spend more time showing my boys how plants grow and how to grow there own as they grow up. 🙂

  7. I would like to win because it would be great way to introduce my younger family members to gardening and my family loves Envirokidz.


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