Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller Review


The Stroller To Please You and Your Baby: Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller

Jeep Jogging Stroller

At the fast pace of life we have, we have learned to manage our time. We learned doing two things at the same time. In the kitchen we run the dishwasher as we cook, in the family room we clean the toys as we call the bills payment and so on and so forth. But what matters most to us is that we give time to our little ones. They need us the most. Therefore we try our very best to manage everything and not leave them doing nothing productive. It is important for them to have good health and that they have continuous learning. When we think of them, we also think of our health that will have to also be taken care of, for them.

Exercise is one of the factors to good health. But how can we go to the gym when we are taking care of our kid? How can we do aerobics even at home when they will get bored waiting for us to finish? We can walk outside, we can jog…and we can bring them with us to get the sunlight they need. My 3 year old daughter have been with me as I do my daily jogging since I got this magnificent Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller.

Jeep Jogging Stroller

Jeep Jogging Stroller ibaby   Jeep Jogging Stroller

Jeep Stroller

I do not worry with her safety with the Adjustable five-point harness, safety tether & reflectors. It is sturdy with the three air filled wheels, the front fixed for easy handling while I jog. I now have a very contented co-jogger husband who is as excited to bring our precious little one as I am. He is taller than me but with the Smart Handle® that adjusts to multiple heights, we are not having any problem concerning height. If I am ultra pleased with the Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller’s feature of Large storage basket, he can’t help commenting on the multi-position reclining seat because he jogs longer and Fiona tends to fall asleep with the nice breeze during their exercise trips. But both of us are thankful for the unique iBaby™ sound system that easily connects to our iPod® or MP3 player which we commonly use when we jog separately on occasions. Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller truly is a wonderful find. Imagine having its own Speed & distance odometer a jogger would love to have and the Convenient Free-Stand™ that make sit stands upright when folded which all space saver inclined parents look for.

Jeep Juvinile Products have outdone themselves with this mommy-baby caring tool to achieve a two-in-one objective of loving your child and loving yourself. Wait no more, have one for you and hear the praises I hear each time me and my baby goes out in this Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller.

**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on The product features expressed in this post are those of and have not been influenced in any other way.

2 thoughts on “Jeep® Overland Limited Jogging Stroller Review”

  1. The Jeep Overland is great! It’s affordable and quality built. I love that it folds up easily in two steps, and that the wheels are easy to remove, making it easier to throw in the back of a car and head to the park.


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