Natural Mama is expanding the Review Team.
Who are we looking for?
I’m looking for people who will help with product reviews. This is not a paid opportunity, however you’ll get to keep anything you review. Reviews (and appropriate giveaways) will be posted here. If you wish to have your review posted elsewhere you must receive consent from me.
– You must be able to have high standards for your work – Write well!
– You must be able to take great photos – personal photos for product reviews are a must. I require at least two personal photos per review.
– You must be dependable and take this seriously – Reviews should be completed (photos and all) within 2 weeks once you receive the product and communicate with me regularly via email.
– You must be willing to contribute regularly. I’m looking for someone to post once every other week(recipes, tips, frugal living and parenting related posts). They will also get product review opportunities as they become available. If you have your own blog and are already pretty busy, this is probably not for you.
– You must live in Canada or USA.
If you are interested in being part of, I would love to hear from you.
Please Apply Here!
I will respond to you if you are a right fit. Thanks in advance for your interest!
tempting…. not sure i could fit it in though!
Please do apply if you have time to write. I like your designs, especially the toddler dress.
Great opportunity! I wish I had the time to join your wonderful team.