Welcome back to school! This school year is another opportunity for students to learn and discover a handful of important things. Together with the school rush, moms and educators are also falling in line to gear up for the new season. Now that kids are back to school, it is very important that they are provided with educational materials which can help them in their learning process. It is also practical to survey on really reliable online stores which can offer you helpful material for the coming school year.
Learning Resources is one of the most reliable and effective sources of all the educational materials you may need. They provide great options both for moms and teachers as there is a significant difference on the teaching method which will be implement by the two. One of the most interesting materials I encountered lately is the Time Tracker Mini. Basically this is a timer which is modified into a more informative form. This can be used by both moms and teachers in most of the activities conducted for the kids.
Time Tracker Mini present authentic visual and auditory indicators plus also a warning alarm. Pretty much simple and easy to operate as this has only two dial which is the warning time and the total alarm. This unique tracker is flexible enough to adjust to a wide range of alarm time which is from 5 minutes to 2 hours with an increment of 5 minutes. You can also opt to adjust or turn off the volume if you want to make it a visual-only timing. It has a very interesting alarm and a colored light which appear once the countdown is over.
I enjoyed using it because it helped me mange my 3-year old every time she eats. She usually roams around and finishes her meals longer that anybody. To ensure that she finishes her meals in a certain period of time, I use this Time Tracker Mini and set it to 20 minutes. Every time she finishes her meals before the alarm turns red, I reward her with a star. And it works well for me because now, she eats well in less than 20 minutes!
One good thing about learning resources’ products is that all of them are satisfaction guaranteed. If you fail to get satisfied with the product you have the prerogative to return it within 90 days after purchase (should be on its original condition). You can get a refund or a replacement depending on your preference. This is one way of providing really good customer service which I always adore.
So whether your kids are up for a time-bounded activity or you want to check the speed of your kids in answering certain questions, Time Tracker Mini is just perfect for you. For teachers, this is a good material which can assist you in implementing time consciousness and assess you students ability to answer once they are under time pressure.
I personally endorse this Time Tracker Mini to moms and teachers because with it’s really good customer service, product functionally and uniqueness you definitely get a best buy. So grab one for your kids now!
Win Time Tracker® Mini by Learning Resources!
One of naturalbabygoods.com readers is going to receive a Time Tracker® Mini!
Contest ends Sep 30, 2011. OPEN to US and Canada!
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1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2. Visit Learning Resources and tell me something else you learned from them.
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3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to!
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5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow @NaturalBabyGood and @learninghandson on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily).
#Win A Time Tracker Mini from @learninghandson and @naturalbabygood #giveaway 9/30 US/CAN https://www.naturalbabygoods.com/?p=8916 Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook and comment on my wall about why you would like to win it.
8. Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect. (2 entries)
9. Like Learning Resources on Facebook.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on naturalbabygoods.com. The product features expressed in this post are those of naturalbabygoods.com and have not been influenced in any other way.
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