Make a Difference with Hearts4Hearts Girls

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Let’s face it. Little girls love dolls. These days there’s a doll store everywhere you go and usually, we as parents, end up buying them. Hearts4Hearts Girls are a little different than your ordinary doll. Not only are they adorably precious dolls, by purchasing one, a portion of the proceeds gets donated to causes in the country of that particular dolls origin. I was sent one for review for my daughter and I must say, she loves it.

ZeilaZeila earring

hearts4hearts girls

These dolls are some of the prettiest I’ve seen and there’s quite the selection to choose from. There are eight dolls in all and each represents her country well. Each doll is 14” high and is poseable. Each doll also comes with a mini storybook about their life and a H4H Girls power bracelet. The dolls all have gorgeous hair and stunning eyes.

The girls wear outfits that represent their country. There’s Laryce from New Orleans, Louisiana, Zeila from Brazil, Nahji from India, Lilian from Belarus, Tipi from Laos, Dell representing America’s mountains from Kentucky, Consuelo from Mexico, and Rahel from Ethiopia. There are also two deluxe dolls. Dell with a guitar and Consuelo with a jewelry box.

Hearts4Hearts also offers extra fashion choices that any doll can wear and they are as cute as button. Each doll has a diary listed on the website where your daughter can go to learn more about her doll and her doll’s country. My daughter loves hearing me tell her the updates for her doll and learning more about her country.

Hearts4Hearts website also share stories from girls around the world that are making a difference in their area and your daughter can submit a story as well. Hearts4Heats is all about empowering young women and acknowledging their efforts to make this world a better place.

In 2010, Playmate Toys launched Hearts4Hearts as a way to try to “change the world one heart at a time.” They do this in part by ensuring that when a doll is purchased, part of the proceeds go to support young girls in the country of the doll that you purchased. Hearts4Hearts is paired with the organization World Vision. Each doll also comes with a product code that can be entered on their website to play activities for free.

There is also the option to create a myHeart page where girls can share what is important to them and how they are working to assist in their community.

While other dolls may just sit around for tea and look pretty, these dolls send a strong positive message to the little girls who own them. Making a difference is always a great thing and you can teach your daughter how with one of these dolls.

1 thought on “Make a Difference with Hearts4Hearts Girls”

  1. Agreeing. I now own all 10 Hearts4Hearts dolls. The level of detail, the quality of construction, the nice costumes, jewelry, and small intro book are a good deal for the modest price.

    Girls learn about a girl frm a different culture…sometimes a different country.

    I got the last Zelia I saw…at our local ToysRUs.

    SOmetimes they run out of these lovely dolls. Average price at or at Target, is usually $24.99 Sometimes you pay more, especially from a reseller.

    For that modest price, one gets a lovely doll and intro to a girl’s life in another culture.


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