Make Apple Strudel After Apple Picking #Recipe

One of the fall traditions as a family is to go to an apple orchard and pick apples….lots and lots of apples.  And there’s only one place we like to go….Applewood Farm Winery!

Applewood Farm Winery

That’s right – apples and wine ALL.IN.ONE.PLACE!

We’ve been visiting Applewood Farm Winery for the past few years.  Located just north of Toronto in Stouffville, Ontario, we love all that they have to offer.  From apples to squash, wagon rides, a play area for kids, wine and pumpkin picking too, Applewood Farm Winery really has something for everyone.

Last year in search of the coveted Honey Crisp apples we walked away disappointed.  The weather wreaked havoc on the crops which resulted in many types of apples being in short supply.  Thankfully this year we hit the Honey Crisp jackpot! The trees were so loaded with apples that many of the branches were bent close to the ground.  We filled 2 (extremely full I can hardly lift the bag) bags right to the tip top with crisp, sweet Honey Crisp apples.  More apples than a family of four can eat and with the super jumbo size of the apples (think grapefruit size!) we would need to eat the apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner to use them all up.

So what better way to enjoy apples than in a delicious apple desert recipe like Apple Strudel.

I’ve never made Apple Strudel but with the overabundance of fresh apples in our house, it’s the perfect time to try it.  

apple strudel


By Nancy T.

2 thoughts on “Make Apple Strudel After Apple Picking #Recipe”

  1. Oh yum! I love baking with fresh apples from the tree, but have never tried making strudel… it doesn’t sound too difficult, I think 🙂 Thanks for sharing!


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