If you haven’t already heard of Matilda Jane clothing, you’ll be glad you did. Matilda Jane is an adorable line of clothing for young girls with tons of cute clothes. All the pieces are fun and comfortable, easy to wear and brightly colored. They’re not too flashy and are always age appropriate. All in all, the Matilda Jane clothes are perfect for the young girl who wants fun clothes that won’t get in the way of playing and running around.
Both my daughter and I loved the Sparkletown tee from Matilda Jane’s Sparkletown line. The Sparkletown collection is full of cute, festive clothes and the Sparkletown tee fits the bill perfectly. It’s a cotton, long-sleeve tee with a slight bell sleeve at the wrists. The cherry-red fabric is complemented by the cream colored polka-dots, and to top it all off, it says Sparkletown across the front in sparkly letters.
The Sparkletown dress that it’s paired with is also adorable. Made out of four differently patterned fabrics, the dress is very colorful and absolutely fun. Meant to be worn over the Sparkletown tee, it’s a jumper style dress with tank top straps and a mock-apron over the skirt of the dress. Worn all together, the dress and the tee make for a perfect outfit for a play date, lunch at grandma’s or a picnic in the park.
My favorite thing about the Matilda Jane clothing is that solves the problem of fighting over clothing. Everyone knows how frustrating it is to argue with a headstrong toddler over what to wear in the morning, but with these clothes, there’s no need to disagree. I love the clothes because they’re cute and well-made, and my daughter loves them because they fit her personality. As soon as we got the Sparkletown tee, she wanted to put it on right away, and I was happy to oblige.
If you’re looking for clothes that will make both you and your daughter happy, the Matilda Jane line of clothes, and the Sparkletown tee in particular, are perfect. They’re always comfortable and easy to play in, and you and your child will love the bright colors and brilliant patterns. I would definitely suggest checking the company out.
One especially nice thing about Matilda Jane is that it’s available partially through trunk shows, which makes for a much more intimate shopping experience. However, they also have an online shopping site, so if you already know what you want, it’s easy to get it on the Internet. Matilda Jane is truly the best of both worlds.
One lucky Natural Baby Goods readers will receive the outfit from Matilda Jane.
Contest ends May 19, 2010. OPEN to USA and Canada!
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1.To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
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Additional Entries:
2.Visit Matilda Jane and make a comment back here about your favourite item.
3.Blog about the giveaway link to www.naturalbabygoods.com and then leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
4.Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (2 entries)
5.Follow NaturalBabyGood on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. @naturalbabygood #Giveaway Matilda Jane Outfit Ends May 19 http://tinyurl.com/2cq6c8e Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
6.Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
7.Rate me 5 stars on Alexa.com. (3 entries)
8.Join SamplesOffer via Google Friend Connect.
9.Subscribe to SamplesOffer via Email.
10.Enter the giveaway on Samplesoffer and let me know.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
I’m a subscriber already!
My fave is the Chrissy dress although I really love a lot of their items. Great leggings especially!
Natural Baby Goods facebook fan Paula M-B
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They have so many darling pieces, I’m so happy I have a little girl!
My favorite is probably the Butterbee Lap Dress.
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I love the cher dress.
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My fave is the Butterbee lap dress! It’s so lovely.
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I LOVE the Eva Rose Knot Dress that is adorable!!
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The Cher Dress is super cute!
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My favorite: Chrissy Dress
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I just adore Matilda Janes clothing! I love her children’s line – but I also really like the adult picnic dress! Its adorable!
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My favorite is the Bay of birds tank dress.
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Very cute – and I’m subscribed!
Janemaritz at yahoo dot com
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I like the summertime tank dress!
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Jennifer Smith STewart
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My favorite is the Cookie Tank Top. Thank you for this give away.
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I subscribe to your blog via email! Signupallie
thanks so much! even though i don’ get to your site every day, i love reading about new products in my inbox all during the week!
i absolutely LOVE the Sara dress. Ah! to die for!
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The Dance Silly Skirt is so darling!
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I love everything. Ok…if I had to pick my super duper favorite, it would be the Sara Dress. The mix of prints are beautiful.
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I entered the My Lip Stuff giveaway on SamplesOffer.
I like the Cher Dress..
Thanks for the chance.
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smchester at gmail dot com
These are the cutest clothes ever! I am madly in love with the Summertime Tank Dress-so adorable!
smchester at gmail dot com
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I love the adult mossy willow top
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I love the Summertime Tank Dress.
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Love the Bay of birds tank dress, keep going back to it as well as the mossy willow:)
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I absolutely love the Adult Natalie skirt – it looks supremely easy to wear.
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I really like the Maya Dress in the Gypsy Blue Collection…
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I subscribe to your blog! Great giveaway – thanks!
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My favourite item is the Sara dress.
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I would love to win this!!!
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My favorite item is the Beth Skirt.
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like this item: http://www.matildajaneclothing.com/viewproduct.php?ID=1390
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I love the fresh yama dress.
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I love the Layla lace dress.
Hello I subscribed to your page – I used the email ghstorchdrse37 [@] yahoo dot com
My favorite item on Matilda Jane is the dress featured on this blog, the knot dress I think it is right?
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the adult natalie skirt is nice
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My favorite item is the Felina knot dress
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I love the felina knot dress
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The Lulu Dress from the Hammond Bay Collection is adorable (like ALL Matilda Jane.)
This is my FAVORITE little girls clothing of ALL TIME!! LOVE this giveaway, keeping my fingers, toes, etc crossed!
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
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Thanks again, have a great day!
I think my favorite item is the Eva Rose Knot Dress, but I love all the ruffle pants also.
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I love the Marena dress
I already am a subscriber ~freebiegoddess03@aol.com
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Chrissy Dress
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I like the Sara dress from their back to school collection.
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I adore the Eva Rose Knot Dress!
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really really love the Mavey Ruffled Leggings
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So great to see MJ featured on your blog!
I love the Museum Dress!!
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I love the Macey skirt!
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