I consider myself a quasi attachment parenting mama–meaning I’ve adopted a lot of the attachment parenting principles. My favorite attachment parenting philosophy is baby wearing. From the moment my oldest daughter was born, I kept her close to me in a variety of babywearing apparatuses–we tried everything from a sling (too floppy!), to a rigid baby carrier (too uncomfortable), to an ergodynamic carrier (too limiting). Finally I found the baby carrier of my dreams–the wrap!
By the time my second daughter was born, my husband and I thought we knew everything about baby wearing. We loved our wrap because it was truly one size fits all, it was comfortable (i wore it with my 28lb 18-month old when i was 9-months pregnant!), and it had lots of different holding and carrying options. The only issue we had with the wrap was that it was pretty unattractive–it took over our whole outfit and wasn’t chic…at all.
Then the metromammas contacted us about their stylish baby carrier–the Metro Wrap. Just one look and I knew I would love it immediately! These metro mamas know that moms don’t want to look frumpy when they are showing off their new babies so they came up with an amazingly chic baby wrap without sacrificing any function–in fact, it was even better than any of the other baby carriers we’d tried in the past.
With their convenient fashion chart, the metromammas helped me decide which color MetroWrap to receive based on my wardrobe colors. They also have “bling” options to really make your wrap unique and fun! I chose the classic Fleur de Lis design that adds a little flair while still being sophisticated. I absolutely loved that the MetroMama website even included fashion tips on how to wear their blinged-out baby carriers.
When my new MetroWrap arrived I knew instantly that this carrier was set apart from all the other baby carriers we’d ever purchased. The metromamma company even made their packaging attractive, complete with great photographs and clear instructions on how to put on a baby wrap.
I was so impressed with their packaging that I even took a picture! Illustrated below is their quick guide to putting on a MetroWrap:
I couldn’t wait to try it on and did so immediately even though my 8-month old was still sleeping!
It literally took me less than a minute to put it on. I was so amazed by how easy it was to wrap that I took two videos to convince you that you can do it, too! Here is my step-by-step version:
Feel free to view the faster version of how I put the MetroWrap on in roughly 30 seconds here.
Even without my daughter in the wrap, I felt stylish–in fact, metromammas say that you can even wear their MetroWrap without a baby and look chic while using their baby wrap as an accessory! When Caroline woke up, I found placing her inside was very simple–even for a squirmy 9-month old. Of course, I felt that it was so easy that I had to share it with another video!
I absolutely loved having her close to me while she was in the wrap. She seemed to love it, too–we were both comfortable and she was content to be held–not squirming to get out like she does in other baby carriers!
The Original MetroWrap costs $79.99 and the Bling MetroWrap costs $129.99. You can purchase it online or in a store near you. If you are on the fence about this incredible wrap, here are a few reasons why I think the MetroWrap is worth purchasing!
- It is stylish! I cannot believe I’d ever say that a baby carrier could be a fashion statement but with the MetroWrap, it truly is.
- It is truly simple to tie on and use–taking less than a minute once you get the hang of it!
- It is supremely comfortable–for both you and your baby!
- It is versatile–you can carry your child on your hip, back, facing out, or facing in–that is tough to beat in a baby carrier!
- It can be used for a newborn all the way up to a toddler–I’ve used it for my 2-year old (and 32 pounder!) with relative ease–and she loved it!
When looking for a new baby carrier the MetroWrap is the perfect choice for you and a wonderful gift for a new mom or dad!
MetroMamma is generously giving one of Natural Baby Goods readers a MetroWrap.
Contest ends Nov 20, 2010. OPEN to US only!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2.Visit MetroMamma and leave a comment telling me your favorite Metrowrap (color,print).
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to! (2 entries)
4. Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow NaturalBabyGood on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily). Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
8. Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect.
9. Add my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide Button.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
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I love the Metro Wrap with the Peace Bling.
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i like the peace sign on san fransisco chocolate
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I love the Angel Wings on Chocolate.
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Fleur de Lis on black.
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My favourite pattern is the Angel Wings Bling on Manhattan Black. Thanks
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I love the San Fransisco Chocolate!
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My favorite is Seattle Sage.
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i love Manhattan black…so classy!
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I like the black with the angel wings!
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I would get a original metrowrap in Seattle Sage! It would be very handy for the january baby we are expecting.
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I have a 6 month old boy who is worn all the time…I would love a black one with the angel wings
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i love the angel wings in brown!
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My favorite wrap is the Original MetroWrap in San Fransisco Chocolate!
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I’m a subscriber and I like the Angel Wings design in Manhattan Black. I think it’s the cutest therapy I’ve ever seen!
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i subscribed mverno@roadrunner.com
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I subscribe and like the angel wings.
I LOVE this! I would choose the original in manhattan black probably
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entry 278 of this weeks giveaways entry 2
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like the manhattan black
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Thanks for the chance.
I’m an e-mail subscriber. I love the Bling MetroWrap in the Angel Wings design in Manhattan Black
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I like the san francisco chocolate metrowrap. possibly with the skull or angel wings bling!!!
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Love the manhattan black with angel wings.
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I like the plain san fran chocolate color.
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bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com
My favorite MetroWrap is in the San Fransico Chocolate color, very versatile.
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bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com
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I love the Peace Bling Metro Wrap
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I love the Manhattan black.
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I love the San francisco chocolate metrowrap!
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I like the San Francisco Chocolate MetroWrap!
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11/17 Daily tweet:
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I love the Bling Angel Wings in Manhattan Black!
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My favorite one is the angel wings!
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I love the Manhattan black dragon one, thanks!
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I like the Seattle Sage
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Tweet tweet: http://twitter.com/briggszilla/status/5785606663704578
I love the Bling Angel Wings wrap the most!
I’m a subscriber. I like the Original San Fransisco Chocolate.
GFC follower- Paula Michele
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I really like the Bling MetroWrap Skull in Manhattan Black.
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diaryofmomma00 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win.
I like the Original in Manhattan Black.
Or a Manhattan Black Angel Wing Bling
Like you on FB Heather Mahan
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i am a subscriber and i like the angel wings metro wrap!
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peace bling metro wrap
I’m an email subscriber.
Original MetroWrap in Seattle Sage.
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I love the Metro Wrap with the Peace Bling. email subscriber