Thanks to Miracle Blanket for letting me host the giveaway again.
The Benefits of The Amazing Miracle Blanket:
•100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
•Not to be confused with a baby wrap or a zip-up wearable blanket, the Miracle Blanket® is the only TRUE SWADDLING blanket successfully designed to help your baby sleep.
•Stops or reduces fussiness. Helps baby sleep better, deeper and longer.
•Makes breast feeding easier.
•One size fits all. No adjustments – newborn to several months.
•Can’t impede development of hips and knees. As baby grows, her legs extend beyond the tight portion of the wrap for free movement and joint development.
•No extra material & breathable fabric. Limits the risk of overheating.
•Simplicity of design. No confusing folding. Easy to use – even in the dark!
•Won’t unravel during restless sleep.
•No knots, buttons, straps, Velcro, snaps, zippers, etc.
•Helps your baby sleep on their back. Washington University Journal of Pediatrics studies prove even stomach-sleeping babies will sleep more comfortably on their backs if properly swaddled.
Please read my previous review here.
One of Natural Baby Goods readers will receive a Miracle Blanket in your choice of color.
Contest ends Midnight CST Monday, Nov 08, 2010. OPEN to USA and Canada!
Winners will be posted Tuesday afternoon after 2pm CST on MiracleBlanket Twitter & Facebook sites.
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2. Leave the comment about your funniest or most interesting “getting baby to sleep” story.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Blog about the giveaway link to and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
4. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (2 entries)
5. Follow NaturalBabyGood on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway.
6. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook.
7. Like Miracle Blanket on Facebook.
8. Follow MiracleBlanket on Twitter.
Our girls loved to be shushed to sleep, lots of walking and bouncing and singing too:)
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I am a big dancer when putting my babies to sleep while wearing them in my Moby.
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I think my “funniest” story is when my mom came over to babysit and I was explaining how to get each of my girls down. We use 3, yes 3 sound machines. One for each girl and my mom was shocked, but I told her, it works! They all sleep great!
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I`m due to have my first babe in March, so have yet to have any funny stories about getting babe to sleep. But I`m sure having any and all resources to help with sleep, such as this swaddle blanket, will help me keep sanity during those first few months.
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Email subscriber, thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
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When my eldest was a baby, she was a non sleeper…and she still is as an adult! But I figured out how to get her to sleep when a lightbulb went off in my head that she fell asleep when I vacuumed! So, for a while there, we always put the vacuum on and just let it run and she’d fall asleep for us!
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
I use to get my babies to sleep by laying down on the bed and putting the baby on my stomach, and bouncing until we both fell asleep.
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my husband was exhausted one night and i had given him the baby but hten too her back to put her to sleep he woke up wiht a start wondering if he dropped her
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Sleep story — none to tell, actually did not have a full night’s sleep until my daughter was almost two! I am hoping the Miracle Blanket will allow her (currently expecting her 1st child) a little more rest.
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My daughter was a bad sleeper, and swaddling helped, at least in the first few months. We did all the tricks, like napping in the swing, having white noise, etc.
I hope the baby who is on his way will be easier!
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email subscriber. I didn’t know for about 3 months that my daughter had acid reflux so she was the worst sleeper ever. She kept throwing her neck back I had no idea that was a sign of acid reflux. My new baby now has it too!
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I don’t have a funny “getting baby to sleep” story as I’m currently expecting my first. However, my parents have told me when I was a young child that I was so sleepy one time when I eating dinner that I fell asleep in my mashed potatoes.
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One of my daughters as a newborn had to be held with one hand hand behind her neck and the other uder her bottom and lifted up and down in the air! It was a very good workout for the arms! She continued to want to be put to sleep this way until she was too big for us to do it anymore, so she had to learn to go to sleep without it!
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Jennifer Smith Stewart
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The only kind of funny thing was when I had a friends baby staying overnight and every time he fussed, I would pop the binky in his mouth and he slept o.k. His mom later told me that she was having a hard time with him because he kept waking up to get the pacifier popped in his mouth and didn’t know why ha ha. OOPS
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My daughter loved being swaddled and shushed to sleep.
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my neighbors used to see me walking up and down the sidewalk with the baby laying on her stomach across my arm and patting her back, the whole time singing. i looked CRAZY!
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one night I tried to put baby to bed and she just kept giggling. She giggled for a good hour before she went to sleep
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sometimes when i put my daughter down to sleep she just talks and laughs .it is so funny i lay in bed with a smile on my face
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I did everything wrong according to the *experts* but my drs said to keep doing what I was doing because my kids were amazingly healthy.
They (all 4 of my girls and my grandson) all slept through the night as soon as I added real food (rice cereal) to their diets.
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sometimes to get my baby to sleep i dance around the room to the babys goodnight music and make him laugh until hes so tired from laughing hew passes out!
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My daughter would not sleep anywhere BUT on my tummy. This posed some problems as I couldn’t hold her 24/7 and I didn’t really want to create that habit anyway. One night she was up all night and couldn’t fall asleep so I just gave up and laid her on daddy’s tummy so I could get some rest!
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As for “funny” stories? I had my babies way before swaddling, and bedtime was *never* funny…or even fun, until I had my daughter. She loved her crib…and later, her bed, so I never had problems with her.
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i am a subscriber, once our baby wouldn’t sleep so hubby drove in circles around the neighborhood for about an hour before the baby fell asleep
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Trying to get my twins to bed can be tough sometimes. If one is sleepy and the other is wide awake, she will keep her sister up!