My Mama’s Love: The TOTAL package

Like most of you, I’m a mom who reads labels. I’ve found that products who claim to be organic or all-natural often only have trace amounts of those so called all-natural, organic ingredients.

That’s why I am pleased to present you with My Mama’s Love — a line of skincare for babies, kids, and parents alike, that is totally natural, totally organic, and totally effective.

Leslie McCann founded My Mama’s Love in 2005 when she could not find a curative to help soothe her daughter’s skin problems. Incorporating only the best organic ingredients, Leslie formulates the entire line of My Mama’s Love products with your family’s skincare and the earth’s welfare in mind.  Since its inception, this all-natural skincare company continues to produce remedies for the skin and body which are safe, gentle, non-toxic, allergy friendly, and free from chemicals & preservatives.

My girls and I were thrilled to sample their baby gift set.  My Mama’s Love Baby Gift Set includes their very popular Complete Skin Ailment Curative, the incredibly essential Burn-Out, and the super soothing Lullaby Love. While these products are perfect for new parents and their babies, they’re also appropriate for anyone and any age. After only a week of use, I’d already found everything in the baby gift set to be useful to me, my 2.5-year old, and my 1-year old.

The Complete Skin Ailment Curative was the first product we tried. I feel like I’m always bandaging boo-boos and smearing ointment on scrapes. I was eager to see how this skin ointment worked in comparison to others. I immediately noticed that you did not need a lot–a little goes a long way.  I foresee using a lot of this product in the future so I’m very pleased to know that it will last me for a long time–it’s definitely a great, inexpensive investment for you and your child’s skin!

When my daughter grabbed the jar from my hand, I wasn’t too concerned because all of My Mama’s Love products are edible and completely non-toxic. What a relief! Speaking of relief, it was incredible to see the relief that my daughter’s skin found upon putting the Complete Skin Ailment Curative on her most recent scrape. She didn’t reach up to itch it and it already showed signs of healing after only having it on for 8 hours. I was impressed.

Even more impressive is that this all-natural skin ointment has endless uses–from easing the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis to soothing dry skin and diaper rash, this product seemingly does it all!

Within a day of receiving the baby set, my baby started teething again. I knew that meant more sleepless nights for us but I wanted to try the Lullaby Love massage ointment. I’ve always been a big fan of lavender so I liked this product immediately. I chose to rub it on her feet and cover them with socks and I was literally amazed at how much faster she fell asleep and how much longer she stayed asleep. Needless to say, using this Vegan massage ointment is now part of our bedtime routine!

Finally, we tried the Burn-Out. Or, I should say, I tried the Burn-Out. I was carelessly taking something out of the oven, grabbed it bare-handed as it fell to the floor, and burnt my fingers in the process. While my husband googled a way to soothe my pain, I reached for the Burn-Out. Words cannot describe how effective this burn ointment is. I would have taken a “before” and “after” picture of my burn but Burn-Out did such an incredible job stopping any blisters and healing any sores before they began that it would have been futile. I am definitely keeping this Burn-Out in stock at my house at all times.

There are so many great products in the My Mama’s Love line that I want to try them all. The Kiss My Boo-Boo sounds great not only because of its easy applicator but also because of how portable and handy it would be in so many situations. And I’d love to try their Bug-Off-Me bug spray–the idea of spraying chemical-free bug repellent on my children liberally throughout the summer is very appealing.

I truly cannot say enough good things about the eco-friendly, body-healthy products formulated by My Mama’s Love. If you want to be a part of the My Mama’s Love action, join their community on Facebook and Twitter.


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