netTalk DUO II Review


Do you remember back when we didn’t really have too many uses for the internet? Because I do and while it was possible to get things done, it just took so much longer and well, it wasn’t as convenient. We had to wait days for the mail to arrive and we didn’t have online markets to buy our needs from. we also didn’t have any VOIP technology which means calling loved ones in the US and other countries was rather pricey. Thankfully, we now have VOIP plug-ins to make calling overseas so much cheaper. Speaking of VOIP technology, I don’t know if you remember but a while back, I reviewed the netTALK Duo Wi-Fi before and if don’t remember it or just cannot be bothered to look for it, let me give you a recap. The netTALK DUO is a cost-efficient and versatile VOIP dongle made especially to help you enjoy cheaper phone calls with the use of your computer. If you do not have a computer, you may use your modem/router. You may even use it wirelessly or you can use a regular handset of your own headset. Personally, I use it with my laptop as it is more convenient.

nettalk duo2

The netTALK DUO WiFi is basically your regular netTALK duo with the added benefit of Wi-Fi capability. What I liked about it was that it freed me from certain limitation like having only 2 ports for connection and the cord. Thanks to the Wi-Fi feature, making cheap calls from any room in my house was possible. But what I really want to talk to you about is the younger sibling to the netTALK Duo Wi-Fi and it goes by the name netTALK DUO II. This device is basically like your basic netTALK phone dongle but comes with a few new features which I am sure you will love, especially for Canadians. I know I like them. What are these new features you may ask? They are as follows:

  • New Call Blocking
  • New Call ID Blocking
  • Keep Existing Phone Number
  • Lower Price

I bet you didn’t see that last one coming because I know I wouldn’t have either. After all, who can imagine a device that has more features and yet still comes out cheaper? The netTALK DUO Wi-Fi was already loaded with features but with the addition of two new features plus a lower price, the netTALK DUO II makes for a great bargain.

But do not worry if you already have the older version of this netTALK DUO II as they are basically the same. If you are not one for customizing your incoming and outgoing calls all that much, then you will not miss the two new features. As for me, well, I like being able to control who calls me and who doesn’t get to call me so these added features are a complete delight. If you are sick and tired of the humongous costs for long distance calls your phone service provider provides you, may be it is time to try out some VOIP technology. I must admit that it is one of the best changes I have made and I save quite a lot of money too.

**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on The product features expressed in this post are those of and have not been influenced in any other way.

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