Let’s talk about the real score. Endorsements from the major companies in the beauty industry are suffocating. Initial flashes of these fine looking woman drives us to insecurities. You too can have the same skin; endless promises lead us to stocking up bottled creams. Beauty products that wouldn’t be touched again, because it doesn’t worked on our skin. Where did my money go? Maybe I should have gone to a beauty salon instead, where you own the crowning glory as soon as you stepped out of their shop. When it comes to skin care it’s like betting, we put our skin at risk with all the harmful ingredients. Hypnotized by the said results, they pulled out our attention to the detailed ingredients in their products. Then we just read the labels when the rashes occur, or break-out happens and then we are back on the track on the “better luck next time” mentality.
Last week I received a Night Rebuilder by Ecco Bella for product evaluation. Ecco Bella has been known as the pioneering “natural” company in beauty industry. With 70% organic components, the Ecco Bella Nights Rebuilder impressively exceeds my expectation. My initial reaction was, I’ve already let my skin be dragged into state of frustration, why give up, anyways it’s a trial. The irony in women’s decision on trying out free beauty line care rose from the fact that we are scared. But we aren’t scared to break our pockets. Now I want to let you in with my recent discoveries. Ecco Bella’s Night Rebuilder excites me in a way that the best things in life are free, or so at least a bonus for my beauty-line treasure hunting. The Night Rebuidler is formulated for sensitive skin. When it comes to skin tests, we categorized our skin types, but if one product harms us, we go back to the base of having sensitive skin. Instead of blaming that product, we adjusts our standards, it’s our quiet illogical escape.
Ecco Bella considers their company as activists in the beauty industry. They are offering natural beauty care line with certified organic components. Honestly, this is what we need, but the overpowering advertisement of the beauty industry giants leads us to un-eco-friendly habits. Ecco Bella Night Rebuilder is preservative-free and water-free. It highlights the all-time efficiency of age-resisting antioxidants such as lutein, the famous lycopene, astaxanthin,CoQ10,Vitamin C,Vitamin E,through the delicate process of VitaminCells. I am stating these to you; because once you tried the Eco Bella Night Rebuilder you might not have the chance to check the components, at least beforehand you will know their benefiting agents.
My daughter’s skin is sensitive too. Now with the use of Night Rebuilder I won’t be harming her in anyway too. You see, our children are also exposed to the creams that we put on our body. So it really takes a skin-deep understanding, Ecco Bella’s beauty line offers, natural cosmetics, aromatic fragrances, therapeutic hair and scalp care, and more. The best thing about Eco Bella’s products is that you don’t have these “rules” or regimens to follow just to achieve the ideal result. Each of their products simply delivers. It’s your call to have some more, well in my case; I just can’t get enough of their healthy varieties. I highly recommend Ecco Bella’s line to everyone with intimate needs, I bet sooner or later these “beauty industry giants” will have their own so-called version, but no, we had enough. Be heard; visit them at www.eccobella.com for your new journey. Now is the time to be in the league of company with real virtues.
Ecco Bella Company is Generoulsy giving one of Natural Baby Goods readers one Night Rebuilder I reviewed!
Contest ends Mar 16, 2010. OPEN TO USA only!
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription. This is required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
2. Visit Ecco Bella and make a comment back here about your favourite products.
3. Blog about the giveaway and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
4. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (2 entries)
5. Follow NaturalBabyGood on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Become “Natural Baby Goods” Fan on Facebook. Leave me a comment letting me know that you did and include your Facebook name. (2 entries)
7. Participate in my others giveaways and leave the comment here.
I’m an email subscriber!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I like the Hair and Scalp Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner. I also like the Water Free Body Lotions in every scent. Lastly, I like the Organic Facial Treatment Revitalize and the Night Rebuilder.
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I’m a Natural Baby Goods Fan on Facebook! #1
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I’m a Natural Baby Goods Fan on Facebook! #2
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Entered the Hairykids Giveaway!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Entered the Sweetsation Therapy “Grow and Glow” giveaway!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I entered the Pukies Eco-Friendly Products giveaway!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Enter the Fresh Organics giveaway!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I am an email subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
I’m a subscriber
I would love to try the Hair and Scalp Intensive Therapy, sounds great!
I’m a subscriber!
I would love to try the Ecco Mist Lavender!
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I love their cosmetics like the Lip Smoothers in Rhubarb, the flower color eyeshadow in Smoky Mauve, the soft eyeliner pencils in Bronze and Royal Blue, and the good for you gloss in Passion!
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I love the The Elite Collection
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I am a facebook fan #2 (Darcie Kayes)
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I like their Age Antidote Day Cream
I’m an email subscriber!
i already sub
fb fan where i am agodlyhomemaker
i have several shades of their FlowerColor Eyeshadow and i love them
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I’m a subscriber!
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I would also love to try their Hair and Scalp Intensive Therapy
I follow through twitter and tweeted 1
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I am following your blog, exciting!
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oheeyore at hotmail dot com
the vanilla fragrance sounds lovely!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
email subscrib er
have button
2 have button
I am a subscriber. Thank you for this give away.
Would love the Flower Color Face Powder. Thank you for this give away.
Also entered the # Little Monkeys. Thank you for this give away.
I am a subscriber!
Email subscriber.
Ecco Bella products are amazing! I love all of them. The Lemon Verbena Herbal Body Lotion and Hair and Scalp Intensive Therapy are among my favorites.
#1 Follow NaturalBabyGood on Twitter (@spelena) and tweeted:
#2 Follow NaturalBabyGood on Twitter (@spelena) and tweeted:
Became “Natural Baby Goods” Fan on Facebook (Elena Shkinder-Gugel). #1
Became “Natural Baby Goods” Fan on Facebook (Elena Shkinder-Gugel). #2
Entered the Sweetsation Therapy “Grow and Glow” Organic Skin Care Gift Set Giveaway.
Entered the Organic Baby Travel Pack and Cleansing Wash, Pomegranate Fig from Fresh Organics Giveaway.
I’m a subscriber.
I’d like to try the Age Antidote Day Cream and Eye Nutrients Cream.
Hi I am excited about the Ecco Bella give-away!
1. I am an email subscriber.
2. I am a follower on twitter.
3. I can’t decide what my favorite product is! I want one of everything!!! lol But if forced to pick only one, I would pick the Organic Facial Treatment Revitalize. It really is tough to pick just one… ALL of their products sound heavenly.
4. I am a Facebook Fan (Judy LeVang)Check out the cute pictures of my great-great niece! She (Shay) is sooo adorable!!
5. I don’t have a web page and I don’t blog, so I guess these are all the entries I can get..
Thanks for this great give-away!
I’m a BRAND-NEW e-mail subscriber to your blog
This company is really great! I;m a Nurse working w/children primarily 6 wks-2 yrs, many of which have serious illnesses or dev delays/physical & mental handicaps. I have to be VERY careful about the creams I use as I’m always picking someone up and holding them! This company is perfect for me!
I really love the idea of “The Dark Chocolate Mask” – a way to treat myself w/o adding to my hips! Wonderful
I’ve just entered your “Favourite #1 giveaway” this week from 3 Monkeys! Thanks for the chance to win
email subscriber
# 1 FB fan-Julie A Scott Laws
# 2 FB fan of yours-julie A Scott Laws
http://www.eccobella.com/herbal-body-lotions in lavender
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entered fresh organics giveaway
follow on twitter (GabbyLowe)
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i am a “Natural Baby Goods” Fan on Facebook (tina reynolds) 1/2
i am a “Natural Baby Goods” Fan on Facebook (tina reynolds) 2/2
I really like Hair and Scalp Therapy Shampoo