As my little princess is growing everyday, she wants to try a lot of things that I, as a parent, sometimes find it hard not to be too worried about her safety. Because she’s at the age where she loves to play around, explore and use her motor skills to have fun, I thought she would love biking. Fortunately, the PlasmaBike came just in time. Hold on! This is not like any other kid’s or toddler bikes around. The PlasmaBike is made of only two wheels which are especially designed to be usefully wide and will support the whole balance of the bike when the child rides it. There are no pedals to make it move. It is absolutely and solely depending on the toddler’s control to make it move but with safety measures, of course. You see, the PlasmaBike is built to run with very useful features that allow safe, fun and independent playtime and bike-learning experience. Its steering wheel can be turned to some degrees only. It can only move on a very mild pace so as not to encourage fun-loving kids to push their limits and run the bike as fast as they can or want. They are only restricted to a push-yourself power which is relieving to know because I can’t run after her with my pregnant belly, can I? 🙂
Speaking of running after kids on bikes, the PlasmaBike will save us parents from holding them while they learn to balance the whole thing. As the child rides on it, she will learn to balance in a very minimal but significant way. Also, this will actually teach them the basics for riding a traditional bike as they grow. It is neither battery operated nor chargeable—it is just plainly a bike made customarily to fit a toddler’s needs to learn balance and motor skills in a safe way. It only weighs about 8 lbs. but can hold up a kid weighing up to 55 lbs.
Toddlers as young as 18 months can try the PlasmaBike because of its unique stationary support can give them the safe experience of biking while boosting their esteem that they are actually trying something out of their own independence. It’s a great start to teach kids how to bike and be confident on what they are doing and enjoying every second of it as you watch them without any worries of falls or bruises. Once my daughter graduates from the PlasmaBike and already mastered the art of riding a bike, I guess that will be the perfect time to get her the real deal on two-wheeled bikes.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on The product features expressed in this post are those of and have not been influenced in any other way.