QuackBack’s motto “show you care send a pair”, is perfect for this wonderful underwear store. This company started out all due to the fact that someone gave their friend a pair of white cotton hipsters with a Mallard duck printed on them. The hope was when the friend was wearing these charming underwear she would feel confident and remember that the person who gave them to her was on the friends side. A few months later QuackBack was formed and to this day still use the cute little Mallard duck in their logo and the meaning of each pose is used to give women words of encouragement in all their situations that they walk through in life.
Now, they have lots of styles and colors of undies and many other products to choose from such as kids undies, baby onesies, organic lines, mugs and let’s not forget their sweet, charming gift packs. QuackBacks clever products let all of us send a word of encouragement to the people we love most that are in our lives. QuackBack products are surely the ideal gift that will let the receiver remember the sender’s words of encouragement for many months to come. You can see how great it would be to give a pair of comfy, sweet Quackback undies to a woman or your darling daughter to aid them with words of encouragement. Seriously, what a fantastic idea!
I received one of the adorable QuackBack Kid’s Packs called the Rockstar pack . This pack comes with one pair of sweet, adorable and very comfortable underwear that has the mallard, Zivah is her name, on them with the famous words “Rockstar”. Every little one wants to know that they are a rockstar in your eyes. Another pair that comes in this pack has “Shine” printed on it, you really should send these little words of encouragement let your precious daughter know that she can shine in everything that she does in her life. The third pair has “Cheering For You”, surely you want to remind your lovely daughter that you are always cheering for you, no matter what. All three pair of QuackBacks have the adorable and sweet Mallard, Zivah, on them. She will help you in encouraging your little lady. Honestly, what a cute, sweet duck! Zivah brings a smile to a person just by looking at her. All three pair are super comfortable, no doubt that any little girl will be wanting to wear these all the time because of their comfort and classy look.
WIN A Kids Pack from QuackBack!
One of naturalbabygoods.com readers is going to receive a kid’s pack from Quack Back!
Contest ends Sep 22, 2011. OPEN to US and Canada!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2. Visit QuackBack and tell me something else you learned from them.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to!
4. Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow @NaturalBabyGood and @QuackBack on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily).
#Win A Set of Kid’s Pack from @QuackBack and @naturalbabygood #giveaway 9/22 US/CAN https://www.naturalbabygoods.com/?p=8817 Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
7. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook and comment on my wall about why you would like to win it.
8. Follow Natural Baby Goods on Google Friends Connect. (2 entries)
9. Like QuackBack on Facebook
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on naturalbabygoods.com. The product features expressed in this post are those of naturalbabygoods.com and have not been influenced in any other way.
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They also have organic lines
follow you both via twitter @tinatchick
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I learned that they are sent in an organza bag, with a gift tag, and sent in an adorable pink mailer.
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The founders name is Theresa – thanks for the chance to win.
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They haven an organic line
gfc LisaMarie
2 GFC LisaMarie
1 button: http://mountainlaureldreams.blogspot.com/
2 button: http://mountainlaureldreams.blogspot.com/
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I learned that they do fundraising.
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subscriber – The first pair of QuackBacks were created as a birthday gift to support a dear friend, nothing more. Literally, a pair of white cotton hipsters, a wild Mallard screen print, and a zany idea that some undercover encouragement would help her remember…
I follow you on GFC as ‘bigdisneyfan’.
Entry 2 of 2
I learned that the first pair of QuackBacks were created as a birthday gift to support a dear friend, with no intention of anything further.
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I learned the first pair of QuackBacks were created as a birthday gift to support a dear friend, nothing more
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I like quack back on facebook – Josie F
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I learned they are sent in an adorable pink mailer!
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taylormarves at gmail dot com
i learned that they have adult sizes as well
taylormarves at gmail dot com
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tay stevenson-marves
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I learned that their Mission is: To have fun encouraging women of all ages in a unique and memorable way!
This would be for my wife.
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The founders name is Theresa.
GFC #1
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I learned that they have a “help I’m a dude” link to help males shop on their website….very cute!
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I email subscribe and I learned that the first pair of QuackBacks were created as a birthday gift to support a dear friend…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
I follow you on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*
I follow QuackBack on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*
I like you on FB *JEnnifer C.*
I like QuackBack on FB #1 *Jennifer C.*
I like QuackBack on FB #2 *Jennifer C.*
I like QuackBack on FB #3 *Jennifer C.*
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cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com
I learned that they currently do not ship internationally :((
cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com
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9/19 daily tweet
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taylormarves at gmaild ot com
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janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
I visited the site and learned that the first pair of QuackBacks were created as a birthday gift to support a dear friend.
janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
I follow you both on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/clerkiyiyi/status/116473528898945024
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janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
#2 gfc follower
janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
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janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
I learned that their mission is to have fun encouraging women of all ages in a unique and memorable way!
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henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
I subscribe by email.
I learned that you can remove wrinkles by placing them in the dryer with a wet washcloth for 5-10 minutes.
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Jennifer L.
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Jennifer L.
I subscribe to your blog eaglesforjack@gmail.com
they also sell super cute onesies and bibs and $1 from purchase helps someone eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I follow your blog on gfc thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com 1/2
I follow y our blog on gfc thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com 2/2
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taylormarves at gmail dot com
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Their first pair on underware were made as gift for friend
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I’m a current email subscriber((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))
I learned that these are sent out like a gift – In an organza bag, with a tag in a pretty pink envelope ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) TY!
I already follow you ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) via GFC!
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I already LIKE you (HollyCunningham) on FB, and commented there ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))
I LIKE QUACKBACK on FB (HollyCunningham) & commented there ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))
LIKE Quackback (HollyCunningham) on FB ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) #2 & commented there!
LIKE Quackback on FB (HollyCunningham) & commented there ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) #3
Following via GFC (Huguette E.)
Following via GFC (Huguette E.)
Today’s tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/henglish/status/116871824318541825
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Comment: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150319415839933&id=239324779932
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Comment: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150319415839933&id=239324779932
Like QuackBack on FB (Huguette En)
Comment: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150319415839933&id=239324779932
daily tweet
janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com