Shade Your Baby With Love {#Giveaway}

Summer is here, the sun is bright, and the heat is HOT. I live in the Midwest and we have had nothing but 90 plus degree temperatures for what seems like weeks.

When it gets as hot as it has been a concern of mine always has been my children. Unfortunately, they do have to spend a lot of time in the car, running errands, road trips, going back and forth to all their various activities they have been involved in this summer. The big kids I do not worry too much about they are pretty resilient and they can tell me when they are uncomfortable or something is bothering them (I assure you they have this part down). That being said my youngest who is almost 2 is not always able to let me know when she is too hot or cold or the sun is shining in her eyes.

A great company called Newbie Shade sent me one of their awesome products to try out in the car. I was very excited when it arrived in the mail, and also intrigued by how it worked. I was sort of hesitant at first because I was concerned it would not work for me because we no longer use an infant style car seat. Thankfully this company was thinking when they designed their product, they designed it with the unique versatility so it can be used by any child in the car.

newbie shade

The Newbie Shade is designed to shield your baby from the bright, hot sun while in the car. It is a 100% cotton cover that will provide your child shade in any car or car seat. One unique concept the Newbie Shade has is it does not block your baby from being able to see out their window, their view remains the same. It is super easy to install your simply attach it to the front and back headrests. Like I mentioned before it works with infant, front, and rear facing car seats.

There are 9 incredibly cute designs to choose from. They sent me the yellow with white squiggles/owls, which would be a perfect design for either a boy or girl.

Once I received my product we couldn’t wait to try it out, the timing was perfect we were planning to go on a short road trip so I knew my daughter would be in the car for a long period of time and as always it was super-hot. Just as the package promised the “install” was super easy I just placed the straps around the front and back headrests and adjusted them to the size that worked best for my car and I was done. I think at first my daughter was a little confused about why I was putting this over her but as soon as we started moving she enjoyed looking at the cute owls.

Car Seat Shade Canopy

The only concern I had was that she was not going to be happy that she couldn’t see or interact with her sisters and brother or sneak a peek at the movie that is playing, which she loves to do. I quickly realized that was not a concern the cover can easily be flipped so you can customize how much of the seat you have covered. This also worked out great because when the time came that I wanted her to fall asleep I could cover the seat more to help prevent her being woken up by her siblings.

newbie shade Car Seat Shade Canopy

Overall I give this product 2 thumbs up, I love the versatility and the ease of use. I love that it helps to solve a problem that is real and needs solving. I love the cute patterns you can choose from. Great product, friendly company, two things I love to support!

Thanks for helping to keep my baby shaded and cool during these hot summer months.

Win A Car Seat Shade Canopy from Newbie Shade!

24 thoughts on “Shade Your Baby With Love {#Giveaway}”

  1. I would love to win this as my daughter is having a baby and this would be great to protect her from the sun!

  2. I’m patiently waiting for my first grand baby. I know I will make good use of this when we take care of him/her.

  3. I would like to win for my 2 month old granddaughter as my son and daughter-in-law are on the go and travelling frequently.

  4. Would love this for our 4 month old. Whenever we travel, seems like the sun is constantly in her face. Sometimes, even the window shades don’t block the sun

  5. We travel 10,000 a year (a roadtrip to Mexico) and this sure would come in handy!

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  6. Hello Everyone. We are so happy to be working with our friends at Natural Baby to offer a free Newbie Shade to their readers. We would love to offer a 20% off discount to everyone that does not win to show our thanks. Please use promo code “naturalbaby” when checking out through our website at We will make this offer available through 9/21/16. Again, thank you and good luck with the give away.

  7. I would love to win because I am expecting and this would be great to keep the baby in the shade and not in the direct sun!


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