Are you searching for an educational toy that will help your child be more familiarized with his or hers environment? Do you want to find some toys that beside of being fun will also help your child develop some early skills and better understand the world that surround him? If so choosing Smart Snacks® Gingerbread Shape Sorter from Learning Resources will be the perfect choice as it helps the children widen their skills and learning experience.
Shaped as a gingerbread house, this toy has six holes in which you can place different chunky candy shapes, from stars to pieces of chocolate and even a gingerbread man. These little pieces are made from durable plastic and can be easily wipe cleaned and look just like they were when they were bought. Beside of being very cute this toy is an educational one as it brings to the kids the concept of colors and how to differentiate them. Also it explores the concept of shapes as it gives the child the idea of different kind of shapes, from a round circle to a shape of a man. In addition it challenges the little ones to imaginative play as the gingerbread house door can open so that different roles can be played being limited only by their imagination. Furthermore the child can explore and understand spatial conceptions, as they can see how the house is built and how the parts bind together so that when they want to draw a house by themselves they can reproduce it reporting to this one. Plus the composition of the ginger house is very appealing as it makes the kids wonder to delicious tempting treats.
Also another particular thing about this toy is that it encourages cleanup as the little pieces can be stored within the house, so your child won’t leave a mess after they have finished playing. site comes with a very unique and innovative perspective regarding toys. They carry the type of toys that can help the children interact with their environment, it engages the kids to think and make connections and of course it is lots of fun. Also parents should be contempt as the toy has some very educational perspectives.
From my experience, my daughter simply adores playing with this toy. She spends many hours imagining situations and simply enjoying the colors and shapes.
All in all, this toy will make little children happy as the bright colors and the delicious treats make them very egger to play with such a toy. It is very important that the child should be familiar with colors and shapes from an early stage of his life as it will help develop much more complex skills further on in life and I consider that this toy is a start in this way. So Smart Snacks® Gingerbread Shape Sorter would be a great asset if you give it a try and who knows maybe you will get hooked up as well.
One lucky Natural Baby Goods reader will a Smart Snacks® Gingerbread Shape Sorter.
Contest ends Dec 18, 2010. OPEN to US and Canada!
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**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on Natural Baby Goods. The product features expressed in this post are those of Natural Baby Goods and have not been influenced in any other way.
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I think it’s hard to have a favorite item, but the Goodie Games™ Color Cookies would be great for my nearly 3 year old. He wants to learn colors so bad, but he thinks nearly everything is “blue!”
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That shape sorter is just too cute! I also like the “duck tape” and “hammerhead” set. My boys have a blast if they manage to get ahold of my (real) measuring tape, this would be a great, safer alternative for them!
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