Winter time is quickly approaching (if it has not for you already) and sometimes the kids need some good ideas of things to do when they get outside in the snow. I have been keeping a list of ideas from family and friends. Get dressed warm and get outside!
- Footprint tag-you can only chase others by stepping in footprints already made.
- Go sledding! Get a sled, make a sled out of cardboard, and just go!
- Build a snowman. Roll some balls, big or small. Build a snowman together. Find rocks for eyes, twigs for arms, and wrap him up warm with a hat and scarf!
- Have a snowball fight! Show the kids how to make a snowball. Have target practice. Set up something to throw at and let the kids get some practice in throwing!
- Build a snow fort. Pack the walls together to build a safe place for hide out! We have a Brick Mold Builder (carried at most toy stores now)
- While you’re out shoveling the driveway or sidewalk, let the kids help! Or have them make their own paths… maybe a snow maze!
- Stomp through the snow and make footprints!
- Instead of making your own footprints, look for animal prints! Do you find rabbit prints? Squirrels? Deer? What’s in your backyard?
- Get creative outside in the cold! Paint the Snow! Make it colorful!
- After a fresh snowfall, go lay out in it and make some snow angels together. Make a whole family!
- Trucks! Load. Dump. Scoop. Pour.
- Toboggan at your local hill. Remember for safety’s sake —WEAR A HELMET!!
- Go on an evening walking tour of the lights.
- Check out the night sky…can you find the North Star?
- Shovel your neighbor’s sidewalk.
- Go for a walk at Fish Creek Park.
- Bring black paper and a magnifying glass to examine snowflakes.
- Have a winter picnic.
- Build a snow man.
- Build a snow fort.
- Build a snow zoo and bring out your plastic animals
- Take some winter photographs.
- Blow bubbles outside in the cold.
- Go for a walk around your community and see the signs of the various winter celebrations.
- Use spray bottles with food colour and water to make snow pictures.
- Play baseball in the snow with a snow baseball.
- Make a Snow Angel.
- Make an ice sculpture. Fill containers (milk, margarine, etc.) with water and a few drops of food coloring. FREEZE. Then take out from container and let your imagination go.
- Make a bird feeder. Try a pinecone with peanut butter and bird seeds. Pick a tree and hang it together
- Go for a nature walk and look for signs of wildlife.
- Go on a scavenger hunt.
- Skate at an outdoor rink
- Bring the summer toys out like hula hoops, shovels, make a snow catle.
When you’re getting outside in the cold weather, be sure to dress warm and take precautions! And be prepared to warm them up when you get inside! Have a cup of hot chocolate waiting for them with little marshmallows on top! Also, try to get out there and enjoy the winter weather together!
Love your suggestion of making art outsideby painting the snow! My kids really enjoy this activity
Wow, these are great ideas! My kids love being out in the snow, will have to try some of these.
What a great list, thanks for all the ideas! We don’t get a lot of snow where we live, so when it comes we want to do as much as possible in it!
We had some snow last week and my kids were super excited, I think it was their favourite week of the year!