Solution for Mosquitoes: ThermaCELL

Summer is here once again along with it are the mosquitoes and the insects too. You can never really enjoy basking under the sun or relaxing in your patio or playing with your children in your backyard when you know there are mosquitoes and insects looming everywhere around you, waiting to feed on you. But fear not anymore because of ThermaCELL’s Mosquito Repellant Patio Lantern.


What is ThermaCELL’s Mosquito Repellant Patio Latern?

Just by its name, it is a lantern that has a mosquito-repelling feature. But do not be fooled by its name. It can be used not just in your patio but anywhere, as it is portable. It makes use of technology to generate similar repellant naturally found in chrysanthemums. With ThermaCELL’s existence in the market, they made use of their technology and were able to develop a lantern that also functions as a mosquito repellant.

Why choose ThermaCELL’s Mosquito Repellant Patio Lantern?

I absolutely approve of this mosquito repellant patio lantern because it is very effective for me. I don’t worry about my kids or myself getting mosquito bites and possible diseases cause of these mosquitoes. I feel protected and not hassled. As compared to other mosquito-repelling product, I don’t have to put on anything like those lotions and oils or light anything like those candles just to drive away these insects. Just turn it on and it really works its magic up to 15feet by 15feet. Actually, it has more to that than its capacity to cover an entire patio.

It is very useful as it functions as a lantern as well. You can even set the mood with its dim setting but it would not affect the repelling feature. That is because there are different settings for the light and the repelling function. It can be used together or separately.

This product is so lightweight and portable; you can bring it with you when you travel. When you go to picnics or the beach, you can have a mosquito-free trip plus some lighting for ambiance. Just make sure you bring 4 AA batteries as spare. It is also very cost-efficient as you can refill everything if ever it runs out – its butane cartridge for the light, and the repellant mats.

Lastly, this mosquito repellant patio lantern is aesthetically pleasing. You can bring it with you without looking stupid. It really does look like a lantern. You can hang it in your backyard or put it in your patio, it will still look fine.

For some unsolicited advise, since it is already summer time, I suggest you get ThermaCELL’s Mosquito Repellant Patio Lantern and you will not regret it.

**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on The product features expressed in this post are those of and have not been influenced in any other way.

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