Looking for trendy fashion children’s clothes and accessories? You have to check out Taylor Joelle Designs! They specialize in cute and unique children’s boutique items that I would love to have for my little one.
My daughter loves to wear different hat especially vivid colored hats, such as animal hat. Being a mom I can see all necessary elements in Taylor Joelle Owl Hat that a hat must have. It’s softly woven, owl shaped head covering that perfectly matches my daughter’s face cut. With winters vanishing, I think it’s perfect for spring. A mom always feels pride when people on the way turn their heads to look at the beautiful creature walking along. And this Taylor Joelle Owl Hat exactly does the same for me. It truly meets all the need I want in my daughter’s hat. It’s finely made using wonderful thread patterns in its designs. It is worth a wear.
There are two colors available in Taylor Joelle Owl Hat, pink and grey. I took pink for my daughter but I must acknowledge that grey is equally elegant. These cool colors come in nice looking shades and make the hat a great deal to put on your child’s head. Now, my daughter is always eager to wear her pink colored Taylor Joelle Owl Hat whether she is indoors or getting ready to move out.
What can be more disappointing than that you impatiently want a hat for your daughter but her size is not available! I can understand these feelings well as for ample of times, I have undergone the thing. One thing that I must not forget to mention is Taylor Joelle Owl Hat comes in great range of sizes. It will never send you back with a heavy sigh; you will certainly get hat of your child’s size. Moreover, these hats are bit flexible and you can make little adjustment if needed. It’s a great delight in my daughter’s wardrobe.
Win Any Hat from Taylor Joelle Designs!
One of naturalbabygoods.com readers is going to receive any in stock hat from Taylor Joelle Designs.
Contest ends Apr 17, 2012. OPEN to US and Canada!
Mandatory Entries,
1. To enter, Subscribe to my blog via email and leave the comment below saying that you are a subscriber. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription.
2. Visit Taylor Joelle Designs and tell me which item you would choose if you won.
These are required and must be done before the extra entries count!
Additional Entries:
3. Enter this giveaway in a giveaway linky on another blog. Be sure to leave me the url to the linky you posted the link to!
4. Blog about the giveaway link back to this post and leave the URL to your post in the comment. (3 entries)
5. Grab my button on your sidebar and leave the URL in your comment. (2 entries)
6. Follow me on Google+ and Google +1 this post (3 entries).
7. Follow @NaturalBabyGood and @taylorjoelledes on twitter and Tweet about this giveaway (1x daily).
#Win Any Hat from @taylorjoelledes and @naturalbabygood #giveaway 4/17 US/CAN https://www.naturalbabygoods.com/?p=10792 Leave the URL to your tweet in your comment.
8. Like Natural Baby Goods on Facebook and comment on my wall about why you would like to win it.
9. Like TaylorJoelleDesigns on Facebook.
10. Join Google+ to connect with Taylor Joelle Designs.
**Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been given free of charge from the company or PR firm in exchange for being featured on naturalbabygoods.com. The product features expressed in this post are those of naturalbabygoods.com and have not been influenced in any other way.
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Creme Posh Flower Beanie
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I’d choose the Sock Monkey Hat in Pink & Orange – too cute!
#1 Google+ follower Julie G. (gibberish) &+! the post
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#3 Google+ follower Julie G. (gibberish) &+1 the post
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Love the Honeysuckle Row Girl Owl Hat!
Already liked TaylorJoelleDesigns on Fb as Julie G.
emailsub debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
sock monkey hat debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblikeu\joelle designs as debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I subscribe via email.
I like the green and blue owl hat.
I am a subscriber
I like the girl owl hat
Pink Autumn Beanie Hat with Brim subscribe with sabi.aligator at
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i receive the emails and I would choose the Owl Hat – Blue & Gray
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My daughter loves owls, so I think I would choose the same one that you have pictured! The pink & gray are so cute together.
I like NBG on Facebook and commented.
I’m a subscriber!
The pink and gray owl hat would be a thrill, since “owl” is our new word…
that would be so perfect, even for our chilly and windy spring days.
I like the Metallic Brown Ruffle Shoe – nice for my goddaughter.
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Confirmed email subscriber
Visited their site and love Honeysuckle Row Boy Owl Hat
Google + Follower as D Schmidt
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email subscriber. I would get the Owl Hat – Blue & Gray
fb fan of taylor joelle. amy bolda pugmire
I subscribe deanna_boocock (at) hotmail.com. Kive the grape sorbet pettiskirt
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luckyseattlemom at gmail dot com
I like the honeysuckle row girl owl hat
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Honeysuckle Row Polka Dot Leggings
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I would choose the Pink Autumn Beanie Hat with Brim
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angela marriott
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I would chlose the Grey Owl Hat
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I subscribe to your blog via email (entry 1).
I would choose the Sock Monkey Hat.
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If I won, I would choose the Boy Owl Hat in yellow
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If I won I would choose the girl owl hat
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I follow @NaturalBabyGood and @taylorjoelledes on twitter -@craftykatydid
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I think I might choose the Owl Hat – Blue & Gray!
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I follow @NaturalBabyGood and @taylorjoelledes on twitter and Tweeted!
I follow Taylor Joelle Designs on Google+.
I would like to have the Sashay Soft Colored Ruffle Dress
I’m an email subscriber and I’d love to get the Boy Sock Monkey Hat for my son
I’m an email subscriber! Love the Stretchy Lace Flower Headband!
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I’d choose Cooper’s Beanie with Brim – White.
Pink Autumn Beanie Hat with Brim
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I like the pink and orange sock monkey hat.
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the green and blue owl hat
button – http://www.vintagelovevintage.blogspot.com
button – http://www.vintagelovevintage.blogspot.com
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I like the Vanilla Sorbet Pettiskirt
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Subscribed to your blog via e-mail.
I like the Honeysuckle Row Girl Owl Hat.
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I’d pick the Honeysuckle Row Boy Owl Hat.
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i love the Taylor Joelle Boy Sock Monkey Hat!!!
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I would choose Children’s Gray Slouchy Beanie
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Email subscriber. I adore the Honeysuckle Row Girl Owl Hat! So cute. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
I like Like TaylorJoelleDesigns on Facebook: Rebecca Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
subscribe to your emails ngiraldi a t gmail dot com
I would choose the Honeysuckle Row Girl Owl Hat. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
follow you both and tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/MissOsMom/status/189881427452628992 ngiraldi a t gmail dot com
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4/11 tweet
daily tweet https://twitter.com/#!/flower_child_23/status/190208795207671808
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I like: Honeysuckle Row Boy Owl Hat
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(mandatory entries 111 and 112). I follow on Google + and +1 the post. (entry 3)
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I’d choose the Owl Hat – Pink & Gray
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cassieanne.smith at yahoo dot com
I love the Sock Monkey Hat!
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I Like TaylorJoelleDesigns on Facebook (Our Happily Ever After Blog)
I’d like the Owl Hat in Green and Blue!
Like NBG on FB and posted on your wall why I want to win
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Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/192301228267540480
I’m an email subscriber
My fave is the Honeysuckle Row Boy Owl Hat
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I would choose Owl Hat – Green & Blue.
entered https://www.naturalbabygoods.com/make-a-style-with-stained-by-sharpie-giveaway/.
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Leah Baird
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Leah Baird
I like the Honeysuckle Row Girl Owl Hat but they are out of stock so I would probably pick another color or a sock monkey!
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