Did you ever notice how kids love to mimic their parents and each others to help them learn and develop their creativities? A set of good cookware will definitely bring out so much of your kids creativity potential. I got a set of colorful cookware from Wild Dill and I must say my daughter was so excited to see this colorful cookware set that she was dancing and screaming as we took out the pieces one by one from the package. Immediately after she got the cookware set she pretended to serve us tea and soup out of the pot and tea cups, of course she took the role of a server and was pretending to drink tea with us while giggling along.
You can find many cookware set or similar products in this saturated toy market, but how many of these products are actually “green” and safe? Believe me, you won’t find too many out there. I did an extensive search to find a set of green cookware for my daughter and I came across this Toy Maker “Green Toys” and it specializes in the production of environmental friendly and chemical free toys. We received a cookware set from “Wild Dill” an authorized retailer of Green Toys products. This colorful cookware set is made in California of recycled milk jugs, with no phthalates, BPA or lead. This toy set is good and safe for your child as well as the environment and our good planet earth.
Features of this cookware set:
This set of 17 pieces include, stock port with lid; skillet; 4 forks; spoons and forks; 4 plates; 4 bowls and 4 cups, all made of recycled milk jugs, milk jugs recycled and cookware set made all in California, Safe plastic with no phthalates, BPA and lead, suitable for ages 3+.
Wild Dill, the kind retailer of Green Toys products is happy to give away a similar cookware set to one of my readers.
Contest ends Dec 12, 2009. OPEN TO USA AND CANADA ONLY!
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